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Attribute Management

Attribute Management is used to set up attributes for different entities. For example, you can set up specific contact titles that are used globally in your BOB application.

  1. From the Mega Navigation, under Admin, select Attribute Management.

  2. In the Details section, select the Entity dropdown and select Global.

  3. Select the corresponding Attribute. The attributes displayed depend on the selected entity, but may include:

    • Contact Title

    • Equipment Type

    • Job Issue Type

    • Priority

    • Sensor Type

    • Skill Level

    • Skill Type

    • System Type

    • Workorder Status

    • Workorder Status Reason

    • Workorder Type

  4. In the Value Configuration section, the Available list displays attributes that are not currently assigned to the selected entity. Any proprietary attributes are also filtered out of the list.

  5. Select Add Attribute Value to add a new attribute value to the Available list. Enter the title and then select the checkmark icon.

  6. The current attribute values display in the Selected list. These attributes display, for example, when you select the Contact Title drop-down in a window.

  7. You can use the buttons between the two lists to:

    • Add/remove one or more attributes to either list. 

    • Reorder the list of attributes as they display in the drop-down. You can also drag and drop the attributes to the order you prefer.

  8. Select Save.

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