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Inspection Report

The Inspection Report uses your existing rules (K2A and/or custom) and configuration to provide a site-level inspection to communicate site performance and opportunities for improvement in an easy-to-use PDF format.  The Inspection Report includes an analysis of all HVAC equipment including the VAV units, FCU, AHUs, chillers, boilers, and other miscellaneous pieces of equipment. This report describes the service and maintenance issues found as well as presents opportunities for improvements to the building to help reduce energy costs and improve building performance. A generated Inspection Report is available for 7 days. If you need a permanent copy, you can download a PDF version from the Preview Inspection Report window.

The Inspection Report displays:

  • Summary of the comfort, controls, energy, maintenance, mechanical, health, and safety.

  • Site Metrics include an overall Site score percentage and a bar graph of the Site Scores.

  • Issue Log displays the System and Equipment Issues including the priority levels.

  • Space and outside air temperatures are based on the configured Space Air Sensors and Outside Air Sensors.

With a few mouse clicks you can answer questions like:

  • Has my site improved or degraded over the past month compared to the previous month?

  • What areas for improvement are there at my Site?

  • How can I communicate with my customer the value of their Service Contract?

The report generation time is dependent on the complexity and amount of data included in the report.

Inspection Report Icons

In the Inspection Report, the following icons display to indicate the Priority levels. 



No Issues

Low Priority

Medium Priority

High Priority

Create an Inspection Report

  1. From the Mega Navigation, select Reporting.

  2. On the Reports dashboard, select Actions > New Report.

  3. Select the Report Type. This may auto-populate to the Inspection Report.

  4. Enter a Description of the report. The description is displayed on the report.

  5. (Optional) Mark Show Period Comparison Grid to include a grid that displays the equipment targeted for the selected rule that shows the previous and current period in fault, time in fault, and last time in fault. The period range is dependent on the time range selected for the report.

  6. Select the Time Range:

    • Monthly: Select the Target Year and Target Month.

    • Today: 

    • Week to Day

    • Month to Day

    • Quarter to Day

    • Previous Day

    • Previous Week

    • Previous Month

    • Previous Quarter

    • Custom Date: Select the date range.

  7. Select the scope of the report:

    • Client

    • Site

    • Equipment Type

    • Equipment

    • System

  8. Complete the Rules, Configure, and/or Run Time tabs, as needed.

  9. Select Save. 

  10. When the report has finished generating, the new report is displayed in the Inspections Reports list. 

Rules Tab

On the Rules tab, select the rules to include in the report. Select the checkbox to the left of the Available Rules header to select all rules or select one or more specific rules to be included. You can use the Workbook Mode to further filter the rules that display.

Configure Tab

On the Configure tab, select the Space Air Sensor and Outside Air Sensor to display on the report for the selected equipment.

Runtime Tab

On the Run Time tab, you can set up the building's scheduled occupancy hours, either one schedule for all the days or set up individual days. You can also set up more than one time range for all or individual days by selecting the Add button to the right of the completed time row to insert a blank start/end row. To clear the Occupied Hours, select the Reset button. Use the Workbook Mode to filter the list of objects. For more information on using Workbook Mode, see Filtering Data.

Occupied Hours

  1. Select the Sensor radio button and then select the Occupancy Status to monitor.

  2. Select the Building Schedule radio button and then set up the occupied hours for the building. 

    • To set the schedule for all days, mark the All Days check box and then enter the start and end times.

    • To set the schedule for individual days, mark the day's check box and enter the start and end times.

Objects to Monitor

  1. Select the equipment to apply the occupied hours for the report. Each piece of equipment and its sensor(s) are listed separately.

  2. When you select more than two equipment objects, you can select the Aggregate:

    • Sum: Adds the values and displays them as a total on the Inspection Report.

    • Average: Creates and displays an average value (total of the values divided by the count) on the Inspection Report.

Editing a Configuration

To edit an inspection report configuration:

  1. From the Mega Navigation, select Reporting.

  2. To the right of the Target Site, select the ellipsis icon.

  3. Select Edit.

  4. Edit any of the fields, selected rules, and/or thresholds.

  5. Select Save.

Clone a Configuration

To clone an inspection report configuration:

  1. From the Mega Navigation, select Reporting.

  2. To the right of the Target Site, select the ellipsis icon.

  3. Select Edit.

  4. Mark Clone this configuration

  5. Enter a New Configuration Name. You can also edit any of the fields, selected rules, and/or thresholds.

  6. Select Save.

View or Download an Inspection Report

To view the inspection report:

  1. From the Mega Navigation, select Reporting.

  2. To the right of the Target Site, select the ellipsis icon.

  3. Select Preview.

  4. In the Preview window, select Download to download the report as a PDF file. A generated Inspection Report is automatically removed 7 days from the system.

Delete an Inspection Report

To delete an inspection report before it is automatically removed after 7 days:

  1. From the Mega Navigation, select Reporting.

  2. To the right of the Target Site, select the ellipsis icon.

  3. Select Delete.

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