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Filtering Departments and Divisions

Filtering Employees by Department

Managers and Approvers can select one or more employee departments to filter the employees displayed on the Time Entry and Approvals windows. If no departments are selected, all employees assigned to you will be displayed. Please note that if you are not a Manager or Approver, this field will appear as a text box only.

These filtering options are only available if you have Schedule 2024 (or higher) installed.

To filter employees by department:

  1. In Time, access the User Profile window by selecting the User Profile dropdown in the left navigation or by selecting your name in the top right corner.

  2. Select User Profile.

  3. From the Default Departments Filtering drop-down, select one or more employee departments to filter the employees displayed on the Time Entry and Approvals windows. If no departments are selected, all employees assigned to you will be displayed. Please note that if you are not a Manager or Approver, this field will appear as a text box only.

  4. Select Save.

Filtering Jobs by Division

You can filter jobs by division display in the Job list when creating job activities. If no divisions are selected, then all jobs are displayed.

To set up a job division filter:

  1. In Time, access the User Profile window by selecting the User Profile dropdown in the left navigation or by selecting your name in the top right corner.

  2. Select User Profile.

  3. From the Default Job Division Filters dropdown, select one or more divisions to filter the jobs by.

  4. Select Save.

Filtering Service Calls by Division

You can filter service calls by division display in the Service Call list when creating service activities. If no divisions are selected, then all service calls are displayed.

To set up a service division filter:

  1. In Time, access the User Profile window by selecting the User Profile dropdown in the left navigation or by selecting your name in the top right corner.

  2. Select User Profile.

  3. From the Default Job Division Filters dropdown, select one or more divisions to filter the jobs by.

  4. Select Save.

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