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06/24/24 - 156.1 - Time Compatibility Update & New Feature

This release includes a TimeTrack Add-in update, a new Timesheet report generated from the Timesheet window, and bug fixes.

Time Compatibility Update

To maintain compatibility with Signature Time and Signature, please download and install the TimeTrack Add-In 18.6.94. You can find this update on the Product Downloads page. After installing the update, you must configure the server objects and run a full synchronization to sync the data in the Microsoft Dynamics GP company with the company created in Core. 

Complete the steps in the following order:

  1. Install TimeTrack Add-In

  2. Configure the Server Objects

  3. Run a Full Synchronization

This update includes:

  • When adding a shift code to an employee or pay code in Signature and then the Incremental Sync is run, the shift code is now updated in Time. KT-2187

New Feature - Timesheet Report

Case #



We’ve added a Timesheet report that includes the data shown in the Timesheet window. After generating the Timesheet report, it is sent via email to the user who requests it. Depending on the requestor's access, this report may be for a single employee or multiple employees. See Generating a Timesheet Report.

Click to view screenshot.

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