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Using the Appointment Wizard

The Appointment Wizard helps you to quickly create single or recurring activities or job/service appointments for technician(s), a technician team, or a service area. Appointments created with the Appointment Wizard are assigned a Group ID. You can use the Group ID to view related appointments from the Service Appointment, Service Call, and/or Job Appointment windows. See Working With Related Appointments and/or Resource Activities for more information.

A validation window displays after you've selected the Create button that displays the appointment count, primary key elements (Job/Cost Code, Service Call ID, Activity ID), date range, and resource count. This gives you the opportunity to review the appointments/activity prior to creating so that you can cancel in case you've made an error in the Appointment Wizard. 

  1. From the schedule board, right-click on a resource, any appointment/activity, or in an empty cell on the schedule board.
  2. Select Appointment Wizard.
  3. Mark the radio button for who you are creating this activity/appointment for.
    • All
      All technicians will be assigned.
    • Technician
      One or more technicians selected will be assigned. You can also select UNASSIGNED. 

      The technician name defaults in if you are accessing the Appointment Wizard from the Schedule Board. If you select a service call or job that the technician does not have access to (based on Global Filtering), the Resource field is cleared so that you can select the appropriate technician. You can edit or add additional technicians from the Resource drop-down.
    • Technician Team
      All technicians within the selected team will be assigned. If you are displaying only one team on the Resource grid, that team will default to the Team field in this window.
    • Service Area
      All technicians within the service area selected will be assigned.
  4. Select the Appointment Type.

Service Call Appointment

Continuing from the steps above for creating a single or recurring service appointment:

  1. Select the Appointment Type of Service Call.
  2. Select the Service Call.
  3. Select the Resource, Technician Team, or Service Area to assign the appointment to. If you chose to assign this to All, these fields will be disabled. 

  4. Enter a Description.
  5. Select the Appointment Status.
  6. The Start Date defaults to today's date and midnight. You can edit the date and time. 

    The time defaults in if you are accessing the Appointment Wizard from an empty cell on the Schedule Board, the time defaults from the time cell that you right-clicked on. The time is editable.
  7. The End Date defaults to today's date.
  8. Enter the Estimated Hours. A default value may automatically fill in this field if the Default Appointment Hours fields are configured in Schedule Settings. See Setting Up Schedule Configuration.
  9. Enter the Priority. This field is restricted to a single alphanumeric character. 1 is the highest priority; None is the lowest.
  10. Enter the number of Days Between Appointments. For example, if you have a date range entered above and enter 2, this will create an appointment every two days.
  11. Mark the weekend days to Skip from scheduling appointments. Both Saturday and Sunday default as marked to skip. 

  12. Select Create

  13. Review the validation window, then select to continue or cancel the process. 

    If the Start Date is scheduled for a weekend day that you have marked to skip, a message displays and you will need to change the Start Date or remove the checkmark to allow scheduling on the Start Date weekend day.

Job Appointment

  1. Select the Appointment Type of Job.
  2. Select the Job Number.
  3. Select the Cost Code.
  4. Select the Technician, Technician Team, or Service Area to assign the appointment to. If you chose to assign this to All, these fields will be disabled.
  5. Enter a Description.
  6. Select the Appointment Status.
  7. The Start Date defaults to today's date and midnight. You can edit the date and time. 

    If you are accessing the Appointment Wizard from an empty cell on the Schedule Board, the time defaults from the time cell that you right-clicked on. The time is editable.
  8. The End Date defaults to today's date.
  9. Enter the Estimated Hours. A default value may automatically fill in this field if the Default Appointment Hours fields are configured in Schedule Settings. See Setting Up Schedule Configuration.
  10. Enter the number of Days Between Appointments. For example, if you have a date range entered above and enter 2, this will create an appointment every two days.
  11. Mark the weekend days to skip from scheduling appointments.
  12. Select Create.
  13. Review the validation window, then select to continue or cancel the process.

    If the Start Date is scheduled for a weekend day that you have marked to skip, a message displays and you will need to change the Start Date or remove the checkmark to allow scheduling on the Start Date weekend day.

Technician Activity

  1. Select the Appointment Type of Technician Activity.
  2. Select the Activity ID.
  3. Select the Technician, Technician Team, or Service Area to assign the appointment to. If you chose to assign this to All, these fields will be disabled.
  4. Enter a Description.
  5. Select the Appointment Status.
  6. The Start Date defaults to today's date and midnight. You can edit the date and time.

    If you are accessing the Appointment Wizard from an empty cell on the Schedule Board, the time defaults from the time cell that you right-clicked on. The time is editable.
  7. The End Date defaults to today's date.
  8. Enter the Estimated Hours. A default value may automatically fill in this field if the Default Appointment Hours fields are configured in Schedule Settings. See Setting Up Schedule Configuration.
  9. Enter the number of Days Between Appointments. For example, if you have a date range entered above and enter 2, this will create an appointment every two days.
  10. Mark the weekend days to skip from scheduling appointments.
  11. Select Create.
  12. Review the validation window, then select to continue or cancel the process.
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