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Setting Up Schedule Configuration

  1. In Schedule, select the menu icon and then select Settings.

  2. In the Configuration section, complete the following  fields, as needed:

    • Schedule Days to Retrieve on Load (1-14) 
      Enter the number of schedule days to display.

    • Unscheduled Days Forward to Retrieve on Load (1-60) 
      Enter the number of unscheduled days forward to display.

    • Unscheduled Days Back to Retrieve (1-180) 
      Enter the number of unscheduled days back to display.

    • Time View Bar Height (pixels 17-200) 
      Enter the height of the resources rows that display on the schedule board.

    • Show Technician Vendors
      Mark to include technicians who are also set up as vendors in Signature. This option defaults to marked. To limit the technicians to non-vendors, unmark this option.

    • Week View

      • Number of Days in Week View 
        Enter the number of days to display in the Week View.

      • Skip Saturday/Sunday 
        Mark the checkbox next to the weekend days to not display on the schedule.

    • Default Appointment Start Time and Status

      • Default Start Time: Enter the default start time to use when creating new service appointments, job appointments, or resource activities. 

        • Appointment Wizard or New Resource Activity when accessed from right-clicking on a Resource.

        • New Service Appointment or New Job Appointment windows by right-clicking on an existing appointment on the Schedule Board or in the Customer Hub and selecting New Appointment from the context menu. When right-clicking in a time cell on the Schedule Board, the Appointment Wizard and New Resource Activity start time will default to that time slot time.

      • Default Status: Select the default Appointment Status to use when manually creating new appointments (or new schedule appointments from a new service call). When opening the appointment form, appointment wizard, the status will default to the status chosen in this setting. The only time that DEFAULT will show in the appointment status list on the wizard or on a new appointment is when the new status option is set to DEFAULT. 

    • Default Appointment Hours
      Enter the Estimated Hour value to auto-populate when creating a new appointment. This value populates when a zero-hour appointment is dragged to the schedule board and when using the Appointment Wizard after you select the appointment type.

      • Service Appointment

      • Job Appointment

      • Technician Activity

    • Schedule Visible Hours
      Enter the start and end times to display on the schedule. Users can also set up their own visible hours from the User Profile window. If the user's settings are not set up, the company-level visible hours are used. See Accessing Your Profile and User Settings.

    • Automatic Status Assignment (Drag & Drop) 
      Select the status to automatically update after dragging from the Unscheduled grid to the schedule board for the following options. If the option is left blank, the status will not automatically update.

      • Unassigned Update

      • Unscheduled Update

      • Scheduled Update
        If this status is left blank, the appointment will default back to the Default Status (above). 

      • Unschedulable Status 
        This status applies to dragging to and within the schedule board. 
        Two examples:

        • Unschedulable Status set to Waiting for Parts, this will prevent this appointment from being dragged to the schedule board. The status has to be manually updated in appointment details and then dragged.

        • Unschedulable Status set to Closed - This will prevent the closed appointment from being dragged to a different time slot or resource.

    • Service Level Agreement Options
      Service levels are set up and assigned to a customer's location in Signature. SLAs automatically calculate response times for all five timestamps of a service call. When a service call is created, the response times are calculated. As the service call guaranteed time nears expiration, the user is visually alerted on the Schedule Board. Service level agreements are not used with MCC calls. For detailed information on setting up service levels, see Using Service Level Agreements (SLAs) in the Signature documentation.

      If there are more than one appointment associated with the call, the first appointment to be changed to the linked status (defined in Signature) will update the Signature Time Stamp window. However, if you link the Complete appointment status to a time stamp, the last appointment on the service call to be changed to Complete will update the time stamp.

      • Mark the Levels to Monitor
        Select the service level agreement (SLA) levels to monitor on the schedule board. The level names are defined in Signature in the Define Time Stamp window. (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > User-Defined Lavel Setup > Time Stamp)

      • Refresh Rate
        Configure (in minutes) an automatic refresh interval for your SLA monitoring and for the Service Monitor window in Schedule. See Using the Service Monitor.

        • Use Auto Refresh: Mark the checkbox to enable automatically refreshing SLA monitoring. If Use Auto Refresh is not enabled, users must manually refresh the Schedule Board to receive updates for SLA alerts. The Service Monitor window also refreshes with the rate set here.
          When enabled:

          • The Schedule Board updates with colored icons

          • A pop-up window is displayed showing the count of each alert type. The pop-up window is kept on the screen until you click the X to close the window. 

        • Time Period (Minutes 1 to 60)Enter a value in minutes to set the automatic refresh interval for your SLA monitoring.

      • Alerts
        You can customize the following options for the Caution, Warning, and Late alerts. The Service Monitor window also uses this information.

        • Minutes: The number of minutes before the SLA is displayed as an alert on the board. The Late alert does not have a Minutes option. Once the guaranteed time is not met, the appointment will be set to Late.

        • Color: The color associated with the SLA alert.

          • Schedule Board: The icons on the appointment bar and tooltip will display this color.

          • Unscheduled Appointments grid: The background color of the cell displays this color.

        • Icon: Enter the icon name for the icon that displays for the alert. Icon images and names can be found at Enter the name exactly as it is displayed. For example, to show a flag outline icon, enter flag-o. We are currently supporting Font Awesome 4.7. The icons display on the schedule board on the appointment bar and the tool tip.

    • Mapping Options
      See Map View Setup.

    • Service Call Type Mapping Icons
      Select the icon that displays on the Map View for one or more service call types. Icon images and names can be found at Enter the name exactly as it is displayed. For example, for a handshake icon, enter handshake-o. The colors for each icon can be set up in the Service Call Icon Colors section. We are currently supporting Font Awesome 4.7. You will need to select Use Service Call Type. See Setting Up Schedule Colors

  3. Select Save.

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