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Processing Service Requests from Building Optimization Broker

Schedule is integrated with the Building Optimization Broker (BOB) Service Request Management module.  New role-based security in Schedule administration can enable a Schedule user to view and act upon new Service Requests to either accept or decline those requests.   Accepting a request will initiate the new service call form, with information defaulted from the linked Signature customer, location, equipment, and contact (optional). 

The number of service requests that have been created in Building Optimization Broker and available to be processed in Schedule is indicated on the Schedule menu bar to the right of the Service Requests button. This number is updated when Schedule is manually refreshed or auto-refreshed, which is based on the Time Period set up in Global Options Settings.

For information on how to set up the integration with Building Optimization broker, see Building Optimization Broker Settings.


  • The service requests must have a mapped Customer and Customer Location in Building Optimization Broker for the service request to display in Schedule's Service Requests window.

  • If the equipment ID entered on the service request but is not mapped, the equipment ID will not display on the service call in Schedule.

  • Only service requests with a status of REQUESTED display in this list.

  • The BOB WO Number is stored in the SV_Call_Source_ID1 field in the Service Call record.

  • SV_Call_Source is set to 120, which indicates the origin of the Service Call is BOB.

  • The GUID for this service call is stored in SV_Call_Source_ID2

To process a service request: 

  1. In Schedule, select Service Requests from the menu bar.

  2. The Service Requests window opens to display the following service request information that was entered in Building Optimization Broker. 

    • BOB WO
      The Building Optimization work order number is assigned in Building Optimization Broker. 

    • Customer Name
      The customer name associated with the service request.

    • Location Name
      The location name associated with the service request.

    • Request Date
      The date the service request was created.

    • Request Description
      The description that was entered on the service request.

    • Equipment
      The equipment entered on the service request.

    • Issue Types
      The Building Optimization Broker issue types that were entered on the service request. The issue types are added to the service call.

    • Contact Name/Number/Email
      This is the contact information that was selected when the service request was created in Building Optimization Broker. 

    • Requestor Name/Number/Email
      This is the Building Optimization Broker user information who created the service request. If the contact information is not provided in the service request, then the requestor's name, phone number, and email address default into the respective "caller" fields on the service call.

  3. Use the Filter option at the bottom of the window to filter the list of service requestions. You can filter by one or more of the following: BOB WO, Customer Name, Location Name, Request Date, Request Description, Equipment, Issue Types, Requestor Name, Requestor Number, Requestor Email, Contact Name, Contact Number, Contact Email, Branch, Affiliate, Region, Phone ID, and/or Contact ID.

  4. To reject a service request, right-click on a service request and select Reject Request. When a service request is rejected in Schedule, the service request is removed from the Service Request window in Schedule and a Declined status update is sent to Building Optimization Broker for the service request.

  5. To accept a service request, right-click on the service request and select Accept Request. When a service request is accepted in Schedule, the New Service Call window opens with some of the information from the service request defaulted in. See Viewing/Editing the Service Call for more information.

  6. Once you've saved the service call, the service request is removed from Schedule's Service Request window and a service appointment is created in Schedule.
    The status update selected for the service request is sent to Building Optimization Broker as well as appointment information. Once accepted, the ownership of this service call and all related appointments in Building Optimization Broker are marked “Managed by <FSM Integration name>”  and prevents Building Optimization Broker users from removing and/or altering this information. The service request and appointment cannot be edited in Building Optimization Broker.

Buttons on this Window



Create Filter
Select to open the Filter Builder window. Use the Clear button in the Filter Builder window to remove the filter.

Reloads the results from the database.

Column Tool
Use the Column Tool to select fields to display from a list of available columns. Mark to display the checkbox, unmark the checkbox to hide. The Affiliate, Region, and Branch columns are not shown by default.

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