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Building Optimization Broker Settings

You will need to enter the information that is provided by WennSoft to set up Building Optimization Broker integration. The Serial Number and Authorization ID are provided when you set up the FSM Integration in Building Optimization Broker (in the pop-up window after adding the FSM Integration and also in the credentials.csv file that can be downloaded after setting up the FSM Integration). The Building Optimization Broker Settings window allows Schedule to obtain a list of "Requested" service calls from Building Optimization Broker. When the service request is accepted, Schedule updates the Building Optimization Broker service call to an OPEN status. Subsequent updates by the FSM Integration will cause the Service Call record, its default appointment, and all subsequent appointments in the Building Optimization Broker to become Managed by Signature. This section displays if you have installed Signature Agent for BOB.

To set up the Building Optimization Broker Integration:

  1. In Schedule, select the menu icon, and then select Settings.

  2. Scroll down to Building Optimization Broker Settings.

  3. Enter the following information provided by WennSoft:

    • Serial Number

    • Authorization

    • User Pool ID

    • Client ID

    • Integration URL

  4. Select Save.

Verify Role Permissions

Only the Administrator Role has Building Optimization permissions to View, Edit, and Delete service requests. You will need to manually set these permissions for all other users who may need them.

  1. In Schedule, select the menu icon, and then go to Administration > User Roles.

  2. Select the Role.

  3. In the Role Permissions section, verify the Building Optimization Permissions:

    • View: Enables the Service Request button on the Schedule Board for the user and the ability to view the list of Service Requests. Unmarking this option also clears the Edit and Delete checkboxes.

    • Edit: Allows users to Accept a service request

    • Delete: Allows users to Decline a service request.

Verify Equipment Displays on Service Call in Settings

For Equipment to be added to a Service Call created from a BOB Service Request, the Equipment field must be marked to display on the Service Call.

  1. In Schedule, select the menu icon, and then go to Settings > Service Call & Appointment Form Fields.

  2. On the Service Call Fields tab, verify that the Equipment checkbox is marked.

  3. If this isn't marked, select the checkbox and then select Save.

Additional Information

  • The Building Optimization Broker service request statuses used with Schedule are stored in the AppSettings.json file found in the \Program Files (x86)\Signature\ServiceLibrary folder.

  • A Key Mapping table (NEXTKeyMapping) has been added and includes the following columns: EntityName, SourceIds, NEXTGuid, IsSynched.

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