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Purchase Order Settings

These settings apply only if you use purchase orders.




Determines whether the PO Line tab is available when completing service appointments. Technicians can use that tab to enter purchase orders. The default value is True.


Determines whether the PO Line tab is available when completing job appointments. Technicians can use that tab to enter purchase orders. The default value is True

This option is enabled when users are on Signature 2022 (18.05b07) or higher.


Determines whether non-inventory items can be entered on purchase order lines. The default setting is  True.

To allow non-inventory items to be added when completing appointments, see Inventory Settings.


The level of requirement for entering purchase orders before completing a service appointment. The default value is OPTIONAL.

  • OPTIONAL: Technicians do not need to enter purchase orders before completing appointments and are not prompted to enter them.

  • WARNING: Technicians are prompted, but not required, to enter purchase orders before completing appointments.

  • REQUIRED: Technicians must enter at least one purchase order before completing appointments.


Determines whether purchase order numbers are generated automatically. If True, purchase order numbers are generated automatically and cannot be changed by technicians. If False, technicians can enter purchase order numbers. To use a unique prefix to make it easier to identify in the host system purchase orders that were entered by technicians, select False. Then, for the DefaultPONumberPrefix setting, enter a prefix to display on purchase orders that are created by technicians. The default value is True.


Enter a unique purchase order number prefix to display on purchase orders that are created by technicians. You can change this value and generate special prefixes only if AutoGeneratePurchaseOrderNumbers = False.


Enter a default prefix to display when technicians enter a non-inventory item on a purchase order line.


Determines the default inventory site to use when technicians create purchase orders for non-inventoried items. If a technician is assigned to this site in Service Management, the site is displayed by default in the Site field in the PO Lines pane.

  • If the technician is not assigned to this site in Service Management but is assigned to only one (different) site, their assigned site will default to the Site field.

  • If the technician has more than one site assigned:

    • The technician will need to select the site.

    • If the technician is assigned to the default site set up in Purchase Order settings, that site will default to the PO Line.


The default inventory unit of measure to use when technicians create purchase orders.


The default vendor ID to use when a vendor name is not displayed in the lookup window. Technicians can select the Unknown Vendor option on devices when they purchase an item from a new vendor who is not set up in Service Management.


Determines whether technicians can view and receive against COMMITTED drop-ship purchase orders that are entered in Microsoft Dynamics GP. The default value is False.


Determines if event-based syncing is used to sync to the host after a purchase order line is created. The default value is False. If set to True, this option also requires that UseEventBasedSync is set to True.This option also requires that UseEventBasedSync is set to True in Mobile Device Global Settings.

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