Transferring a Full or Partial Booking to an Agreement
To save duplicate data entry at agreement time, you can transfer all or part of a booking to a full agreement. With a partial transfer, you can one booking that allows for ongoing transfers to an agreement over time.
- On the Rental Booking Entry window, open a booking and select Transfer. The following message appears: Are you sure you want to transfer this booking into an agreement?
- Select Transfer to open the Rental Booking Line Assignment window. If the Line Type is Equipment, you must have an Equipment ID on the line before you can select Continue.
- Select the lines you want to transfer by marking the Transfer checkbox. You can select to mark all or unmark all lines using the buttons.
- Select Next.
- If you have any Miscellaneous Lines on the booking, the Rental Booking Miscellaneous Assignment window opens. Select the lines you want to transfer, and then select Next.
- In the Rental Booking Transfer window, you have the option to transfer the selected rental and miscellaneous lines to either a New Agreement or an Existing Agreement.
- Select New Agreement to enter the Agreement Type ID and Agreement Date for the new agreement.
- Select Existing Agreement to transfer to an existing agreement. Enter or select the existing agreement number. If you have previously transferred from the booking, the Agreement Number will default in. Any agreement that you select to transfer to must have the same customer as the booking.
- If you want to overwrite the booking type settings with the agreement type settings, mark the Overwrite with agreement type settings checkbox.
- Select Transfer to open the Rental Agreement Entry window.
All the corresponding fields from the booking document fill automatically in the agreement document. You can edit fields as needed.
Refer to Creating a Rental Agreement.
Rental booking lines are added to an agreement in the order that they are transferred. The agreement line number will not be the same as the booking line number. Example: Rental booking lines 1, 3, and 5 are transferred to a new agreement. They will become lines 1, 2, and 3 on the agreement. Rental booking lines 2, 4, and 6 are transferred to the same agreement later. They will become lines 4, 5, and 6 on the agreement.
Viewing a Booking After a Partial Transfer
When viewing a rental booking after a partial transfer to an agreement, you can select to show or hide the transferred lines.
In the Rental Booking Entry window, select Options > Hide Transferred Lines.
The Rental Booking Entry window will only show the non-transferred lines in the two list views. If this option is not selected, the list will show all lines and a green checkmark will appear for those lines that have been transferred.
If you select the Hide Transferred Lines option, the Rental Booking Line and Miscellaneous Line Entry windows will not scroll to those transferred lines when using the scroll buttons. However, you can use the lookup button to select a transferred line.
On both the Rental Booking Line and Miscellaneous Entry windows, if you are viewing any line that is already transferred to an agreement, you are no longer able to edit or delete it.
On all rental line windows, for both booking and agreement, both rental line and miscellaneous line and both entry and inquiry windows, if that line has been transferred from a booking to an agreement you will be able to see the original or transferred line in the status bar at the bottom of the window and zoom to that line.