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Using the Architect Wizard

The Architect Wizard is intended to help you map from IoT Hub to Architect as efficiently as possible. This is done by allowing you to map at the profile level and then create multiple equipment and sensors in one step.

After you have created a site, you can use the Architect Wizard to assist you in mapping equipment and sensors en masse.

  1. Create your client. See Working with Clients in Architect for more information.

  2. Create your site. See Working with Sites in Architect for more information.

  3. Navigate to your site in Architect.

  4. In the Site Actions pane, select Run Architect Wizard.

Using Workbook Mode

Within the Architect Wizard you can use Workbook Mode to filter the displayed data after you have selected the target item (agent and/or profile). The workbook mode is also available on the Create Equipment page.

  1. Under each column header, enter or select the filter data and then select the Filter icon to select the filter type. 
    Different data types may have additional field inputs. For example, numeric data types will have an increase/decrease dial, Boolean data types will have a drop-down selection, etc.

  2. You can clear any filter by selecting the Clear Filter icon for the appropriate column. This clears the filter data and type.

  3. The filtered sensor information displays dynamically as the filters are added/removed. If no records match the filters, the message "No records available" displays.

  4. Using Workbook Mode you can also rearrange column headers if you prefer data to display in a different order of columns by dragging and dropping the column headers.

Running the Architect Wizard

Step 1: Select Agent

Select the Agent that contains all the devices you'd like to turn into equipment and sensors.

  1. Use the Agent drop-down to select the Target Agent

  2. The Available Profiles table is populated and displays the Profile Name, Profile Type, and Device Count.

  3. Select Next.

Step 2: Select Profile

Select a specific profile from the agent selected in Step 1. This profile will be used to generate a list of devices for use in equipment creation later on.

  1. Use the Profile drop-down to select the Target Profile. The profile selected will be mapped to an equipment type and will be used to create equipment and sensors.

  2. The Available Profile Objects table is populated with the associated profile objects and displays the object name and object type.

  3. Select Next.

Step 3: Configure Equipment

Provide information about the equipment you'd like to create. This information will be applied to all equipment in Step 4.

  1. To configure the equipment, complete the following fields:

    • Equipment Type

    • Manufacturer (optional)

    • Model Number (optional)

    • Serial Number (optional)

  2. Select Next.

Step 4: Create Equipment

View a list of equipment that will be created as a byproduct of steps 1-3.  Each device that is using the profile selected in Step 2 for the agent selected in Step 1 will be displayed in this table.

  1. In the Create Equipment window, the equipment that you have configured displays with the following information:

    • Name: Selected in Step 3.

    • Identifier: Selected in Step 3.

    • Profile: Selected in Step 2.

    • Equipment Type: Configured in Step 3.

    • Existing Equipment: Optional and is configured with the ellipsis icon to the right of the equipment. A green checkmark is displayed if you've set this to use existing equipment.

  2. Select the ellipsis to perform the following actions:

    • Customize Equipment: Select this option if you need to make any changes to the equipment that is listed in the Create Equipment window. 

    • Exclude Equipment: Select to exclude the equipment from the table. The equipment displays with a strikethrough.

    • Include Equipment: Select this to remove the strikethrough. This only displays if you've excluded equipment. 

    • Use Existing Equipment: Select to select an existing piece of equipment. 

  3. Select Create Equipment. A message displays that the equipment was successfully created.

At this point in the Wizard, Equipment has been created. If you want to continue to Sensor creation, move on to Step 5. If you are finished with the Wizard operation, you can select Exit Architect Wizard.

Step 5: Map Object Sensors

Map any of the profile objects from the profile selected in Step 2 to sensors. 

You do not need to map every profile object to a sensor in order to move on.

  1. To map an object, select the ellipsis icon to the right of the object.

  2. Select Configure Sensor. (If you need to remove a configuration, select Clear Sensor.)

  3. In the Configure Sensor window, enter the following:

    • Sensor Type

    • Sensor Name

    • Device Object: Display-only.

    • Raw Data Type: Display-only. If the Data Type is float, you must specify a unit. If the Data Type is a boolean, string, or integer, units are not required.

    • Raw Unit

    • Display Unit

    • Display Data Type

    • Conversion (optional)

  4. Select Save to save the mapping for the object.

  5. A green checkmark displays to indicate the object is configured.

  6. When you are done mapping object sensors, select Next.

Step 6: Create Sensors

After you've mapped some sensors, you're ready to create them. In this step, you will be prompted with a list of sensors to be created. You should see that the sensors mapped in Step 5 are now shown under the equipment created in Step 3. 

  1. In the Create Sensors window, the sensor(s) that you have configured displays with the following information:

    • Name: Configured in Step 5.

    • Identifier: Selected in Step 3.

    • Profile: Selected in Step 2

    • Equipment Type: Configured in Step 3.

  2. Select Create Sensors.

    • The Status indicator displays how many Sensors have been created

    • Individual Status is shown on the table indicating if a Sensor was created or, if creation failed, why did it fail.

Common Errors:

  • This Device Object is Already Bound to a Sensor - This will display if the device object is currently bound to another sensor.

Bulk sensor creation is a background process and may take a few minutes to complete.

Once sensor creation is completed, the view will display success/failure messages in the table.

Congratulations! You've completed the Architect Wizard.

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