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Step 4: Set up Registered Users

The TimeTrack Signature Registered Users Setup window is used with Time to indicate which users will be using Time. When you synchronize the registered users, the employee records are automatically created in Time. The ability for your employees to use Time and/or have the ability to log into Time is set up in the Licensing section of Time Settings.

To set up registered users:

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > TimeTrack > Registered Users.
    Use the sort dropdown at the lower left corner of the window to sort employee names by last name, employee ID, or by active users of TimeTrack or Remote Time Entry (Excel TimeTrack Client) employees.

  2. Complete the following steps for each employee to be set up as a Time user:

    • TimeTrack: Mark to enable time entry in TimeTrack and/or Time for employees. If an employee does not have this checkbox marked, time cannot be entered using TimeTrack and/or Time for that employee.

    • User ID: The User ID field is required when setting up a Power User so they can get security access to the Time Import window.

    • Email Address: An email address is required for the employee to be able to log into Time. If the employee e-mail address was set up in the Employment Maintenance window in Microsoft Dynamics GP, the email will display here. Otherwise, you can enter the email address manually. If this field is left blank, the employee record will not synchronize to Time. 

      IMPORTANT: Each user must have a unique email address to prevent synchronization issues as well as so that the user has a unique login.

    • Power User: If marked, the user can enter or edit time for any other user marked as a TimeTrack user.

  3. Select Save.

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