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Step 4: Re-run the Sync2Core Installer

Re-run the Sync2Core installer so the Production company is added to Sync2Core. The Signature Sync2Core Service monitors web socket event notifications coming from WennSoft Core into WennSoft Signature.

To install Sync2Core:

  1. Right-click on the Sync2Core x.x.xx.exe file and select Run as administrator

  2. If the User Account Control window displays, select Yes to continue the installation.

  3. Select the Modify option in the window that displays.

  4. The Welcome to the Sync2Core Setup Wizard displays.

  5. Select Next.

  6. Accept the license agreement on the End-User License Agreement window and select Next.

  7. On the SQL Server Settings window, enter your SQL Server System settings:

    • SQL Server

    • Admin SQL User

    • Password

    • GP System Database: The database defaults to DYNAMICS, however, you can change this if you have a different name.

  8. Select Next.

  9. On the Company Select window, mark all companies that have Time enabled in Core. If you enable Time for additional companies later, you must run the Sync2Core installation again. When doing so, be sure to mark all companies that have Time enabled, including existing companies that have previously been set up with Sync2Core.

  10. Select Next.

  11. On the Select Installation Folder window, you can accept the default installation location or you can select the Browse button to select a different location.

  12. Select Next.

  13. On the Ready to Install window, select Install.

  14. On the Completing the Sync2Core Setup Wizard window, select Finish.

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