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Import the Time App Timesheet Transactions List

Your Payroll administrator will need to import the Time App timesheet transactions list. In the TimeTrack Import Time window, the system will automatically load the available transactions that are currently in WennSoft Core (cloud). These transactions are not in TimeTrack until after you have imported them.

The Period Start is the day after the Default Week Ending Day that is set up in TimeTrack Setup Options.

The TimeTrack Import Time window shows the following information, grouped by employee:

  • Transaction Date: This is the time entry date.

  • Activity: The job/service call ID and description.

  • Cost Code: The cost code associated with the job or service call.

  • Pay Code: The pay code associated with the job, service call, or unbilled activity.

  • Hours: The hours entered for the activity.

  • Department: The department the employee is assigned to.

  • Position: The employee’s position.

  • Status: The status of the transaction.

  • Status Comment: If the status displays Error, the error message is shown.

Importing Time Transactions

To review and import Time transactions:

  1. In Microsoft Dynamics GP, go to Transactions > TimeTrack > Time Card Entry.

  2. In the Time Card Entry window, select Additional > Import time from WennSoft Core.

  3. The window may appear empty at first, however, in the background, TimeTrack is accessing the timesheet transactions that were entered in Time. 

  4. All employee transactions for the current pay period are displayed. 
    You can filter the displayed transactions by filtering by:

    • Period Start: Shows the period starting date based on the current date. This field is display-only and updates based on the Period End date.

    • Period End: Initially displays the period ending date based on the current date and the default period end day selected in TimeTrack Setup Options. Use the drop-down to select a different period end date. The selectable days are only the period end dates.

    • Employee: The default grid view displays all employees grouped by employee name and sorted by transaction date. Select the Employee drop-down to open the Employee Filter window where you can select one or more employees to display only those transactions.

  5. Select Import to import only the transactions that are displayed in the grid. A confirmation message displays the number of successful imports or a message that displays that no transactions were imported.

  6. If there are any errors with importing the transactions to TimeTrack, the Status field will indicate Error, and the corresponding error message is displayed in the Status Comment field. 

  7. The next step is to use the TimeTrack Time Card Commit process. For more information, see your TimeTrack documentation.

Buttons On this Window

  • Import: Select to import the timesheet transactions that are displayed on the window. 

  • Refresh: Select redisplay the grid information. Refreshing the grid will display any new transactions added in Time and/or to see any status and status comments.

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