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Step 3-2: Enter Time Integration Settings

To set up the TimeTrack integration with Time, you will need to enter the information that is provided by WennSoft. The Serial Number and Authorization Code are provided when you set up the FSM Integration in Building Optimization Broker (in the pop-up window after adding the FSM Integration and also in the credentials.csv file that can be downloaded after setting up the FSM Integration). The Integration Settings window allows TimeTrack to obtain a list of entities from Building Optimization Broker. 

Entering Time Integration Settings

To enter the Time Integration Settings:

  1. In Microsoft Dynamics GP, go to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > TimeTrack > Setup Options.

  2. In the TimeTrack Setup Options window, from the ribbon bar select Additional > TimeTrack Admin and then select the Integration Settings tab.

  3. Select Import Credentials and Select the credentials.csv file that you downloaded when setting up the FSM Integration in Building Optimization Broker. See Step 3: Create FSM Integration Record in the Core Cloud Setup Steps.

    • Serial Number: Provided by Building Optimization Broker.

    • Authorization Code: Provided by Building Optimization Broker. This is the authorization key found in the credentials.csv file. 

      The credentials.csv file may have been manually renamed to the company name.

  4. Update the remaining fields to match the production environment:

    • User Pool ID: us-east-1_eddkfwgBU

    • Client ID: 1sors3l7hetplca83ev9v0khkp

    • Integration URL:

    • Websocket URL: wss://

    • API Key: 220a8c36-bfb5-4db6-a0a3-139311b0ca2f

  5. Select Save. When successfully connected to Core, the Core company name is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the window.

Buttons on This Window

  • Save: Select to save the entered information.

  • Reset Changes: Select to revert changes to the last saved data.

  • Import Credentials: Select to import the credentials file that was saved when the FSM Integration record was created.

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