Setting Up Job Import
- Open the Signature Job Import.xlsm spreadsheet.
- If macros have been disabled, enable content for the spreadsheet. Choose Options, mark the Enable this content radio button, and choose OK.
- Select the Job Import Setup worksheet.
- Make sure the following File Location paths are correct:
- Document Path
The location where the Job Import Excel file, .DLL files, and other files were installed, ending with a backslash(). For example, C:\Program Files\Signature\Signature Job Import 2016\ - Schema Path
The location where the Job Import schema files were installed (under the Document Path, in a subfolder called Schema), ending with the file jcImportSchema.xsd. For example, C:\Program Files\Signature\Signature Job Import 2016\Schema\jcImportSchema.xsd
- Document Path
- In the User Login Information section, complete the following fields:
- User ID and Password
Enter a user ID and password. This must be a SQL user that was previously set up. - Datasource
The server name and instance where Job Cost is installed, separated by a backslash "\". - System Database
The system database, for example, DYNAMICS. - Database
The company database to update, for example, TWO.
- User ID and Password
In the Estimate Import Options setup section, select options for the following fields, as necessary:
Option Selection Allow to create job
Select Yes to allow the creation of new jobs to be imported into Job Cost. You must select Yes if you are creating a new job. Select No if you want to restrict the use of this application so users can only update jobs that already exist in Job Cost.
Cost Code Must Exist in Master
Select Yes to require that a cost code entered in the spreadsheet must already exist as a master cost code in Job Cost. Cost codes that do not exist will not be imported. This option has no effect if the Cost Codes debit posting accounts option is marked on the Posting Options window in Job Cost. If you are using cost code posting, the cost code must already exist for the import to work.
Copy Cost Code Description from Master
Select Yes if you want the cost code description from the master cost code to be used for the cost code entered in the spreadsheet.
Add Estimates Together for Same Cost Code
Select Yes if you want multiple entries in the spreadsheet that have the same cost code and cost element to be combined when imported to Job Cost. This includes the estimated amounts and units. This option has no effect if the Estimate Cost by Period option is marked on the Posting Options window in Job Cost.
- When you are finished choosing setup options, save the spreadsheet.
Proceed with entering estimate information, see Using the Job Import Worksheet.