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Working with Advanced Communications

Advanced Communications is an add-on product that provides you with the ability to send the following appointment trigger emails to your customers from within Schedule. You can send the advanced HTML email notification in Schedule from the appointment window by selecting Notify Customer 

or by right-clicking the appointment and then choosing Notify Customer.

If the Advanced Comm Triggers tab is not displayed, contact WennSoft Support.

In addition to the default standard triggers, Advanced Communications provides you the ability to notify the customer and/or technician when the following appointment triggers occur:  

TriggerAC_NotifyDefault Notification

Appointment Canceled

1Notify Button

Appointment Changed

1Notify Button
Appointment Completed0Automatic
Appointment Scheduled1Notify Button
Request Received0Automatic
Technician Arrived0Automatic
Technician In Route0Automatic

Advanced Communications is set up within two applications:

  • Signature Agent Configuration contains the company information including the logos and accent color for the HTML email. For setup information, see Completing Signature Agent Configuration.
  • Schedule contains the technician information including the technician's position, email address, and photo that is included in the HTML email. For more information, see Setting up Technicians in Schedule.

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