This is the user interface that is used to configure the CDC and Event triggers.
Launch Signature Agent Configuration.
On the Login window, enter the following information:
SQL Instance
Select Login.
The Signature Agent Configuration is divided into two tabbed sections:
Home: The Home tab is where Signature Agent is configured.
CDC Configuration: The CDC tab is used to set up the CDC for the database for capturing state changes to the database tables.
Set up Change Data Capture (CDC) Configuration
Create the CDC change options on the CDC Configuration tab.
In Signature Agent Configuration, select the CDC Configuration tab.
In the Name column, expand the Dynamics GP database.
Select the company database.
Select Create Objects to create the CDC change options that are listed on the right side of the window.
The following entities are available:
GP Customer
Job Cost Code
Service Call
Service Option
To enable an entity, select the entity name and then select Start from the menu bar. For example, enable Job to track changes to the job tables for job appointments. To disable an entity, select Stop from the menu bar.
Enabled entities are indicated with a green icon.
Disabled entities are indicated with a red icon.
Configure Signature Agent
Each company that will be used with Signature Agent Configuration will need to be set up by associating the company to a Signature Agent Service that will be monitored for changes.
On the Home tab, create a new company by choosing New Company or select an existing company.
From the menu bar, select Properties.
In the Edit Company Connection window, complete the following tabs:
Company Info
Advanced Comm - This tab only displays if you have purchased Advanced Communications.
Dispatcher Email
After you select the OK button to save changes made to any of the tabs in the Edit Company Connection window, you will need to restart the Service. A pop-up window displays to remind you to complete this step. You can do this by selecting the Restart button from the button bar is Signature Agent or in the Properties window by selecting the Agent Service drop-down and then select Restart Service.
Select OK on each tab to save changes.
Database Tab
Enter the company database settings.
Select the Database tab.
Enter the Company Name. This is only used for the display name in the Tenant tree to the left.
Enter the Database Name or select Browse and then select the company database.
Enter the database Username and Password.
Select Test Connection to verify that the database settings are correct and can connect to the database. You will be prompted to save the settings prior to the test running.
The Access Key is generated at this time and can be found on the Access tab.
Select OK.
Access Tab
Enter the Email Alias to create the email address that your customers will use when sending an email to create a service call. This email alias is also used as the "Sender" when sending communications to your customers and technicians. For example, if you create an alias of Fabrikam, your customers would send an email for a service to
Select the Access tab.
Select Show to view the Incoming Access Key and the API Key.
The Incoming Access Key is generated by the database once the company is saved prior to testing the configuration. This key is used as a unique identifier.
The API Key is automatically generated from WennSoft.
Enter the Email Alias.
You can select the Agent Service drop-down to perform the following service options. These options are also available from the menu bar on the Home tab. Customer Support may direct you to perform these steps during troubleshooting.
Install Service
Uninstall Service
Reinstall Service
Restart Service
Select OK.
Company Info Tab
Select the Company Info tab.
Enter the company information that can be included in some of the communications to your customers.
Company Name
Company URL
Phone Number
Select OK.
Advanced Comm Tab
Select the Advanced Comm tab.
Complete the following fields:
Header Logo: Select Upload and then navigate to the location of your logo and select OK. The maximum width for the logo is 185 pixels. Select Preview to view the logo.
Footer Logo: Select Upload and then navigate to the location of your logo and select OK. The maximum width for the logo is 185 pixels. Select Preview to view the logo.
Accent Color: Select the Accent Color drop-down. You can select between Custom, Web, or System tabs for choosing or entering the color that will display at the top and bottom of the email.
Select OK.
Dispatcher Emails Tab
This section is used for selecting which email addresses to receive service call updates. The email addresses displayed are set up in the User Roles section of Schedule Administrator Settings. See Working with Roles in the Schedule User Guide.
Select the Dispatcher Emails tab.
Mark the email address checkbox(es) to indicate where notifications of service call updates should be sent.
Select OK.
Maintenance Tab
This section is used for setting up a Maintenance Schedule. The Next Scheduled Eventing Pause is used to stop Signature Agent from accessing the database. This allows you to perform database maintenance without generating CDC records that might generate communications.
Select the Maintenance tab.
Select Edit.
In the Eventing Schedule Editor window, create an optional schedule to pause the Eventing Engine.
Select Weekly or Monthly.
Weekly - Select the day(s).
Monthly - Select the day number and the frequency.
Select the Time of Day and Frequency.
Enter the Duration (Hours).
Select Preview to view what the next 10 occurrences would be based on the setup. Select OK to return to the Eventing Schedule Editor.
Select OK. The Tenant tree now displays the company and automatically creates Event Triggers.
View the Log File
Select View Event Log from the menu bar to view the log.txt file that displays information about trigger events and also denotes when issues occur. For example, an email for service was received and a response is sent out.
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