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Searching for an Existing Contact

Use the Service Contact window to search for existing contacts. From this window you can view contact information, phone numbers, locations that a contact is assigned to, as well as contracts that the contact is assigned to.

To search for an existing contact:

  1. Choose Cards > Service Management > Contact Management
  2. In the Service Contact Management window, select/enter criteria into any of the following fields:
    • Contact Type
    • Contact Name
    • Phone
    • Show All Phone Numbers
    • Email Address
    • City
    • ZIP Code
    • Customer
    • Location
  3. After you enter or select data, tab off the field and the search is performed.
  4. Mark Show All Phone Numbers to display all phone numbers assigned to a contact. When marked, the contact and each phone number display on a separate line. An asterisk * displays next to the Primary phone number.
  5. The scrolling window at the bottom displays the search results and includes the following information:
    • Contact Name
    • Phone Number
    • Phone Type
    • Email Address
    • Role Type
    • Address
    • City
    • State
    • Zip
    • Contact Type
  6. You can right-click on a line and choose the following from the context menu:
    • View Contact
      Opens the Contact Setup window. You can edit the contact information. See Creating a Contact for field information.
    • View Phone Numbers
      Opens the Contact Phone Numbers window. You can add/edit the phone numbers associated with the contact. Mark the Primary Number checkbox to indicate the contact's primary phone number.
    • View Contact Locations
      Opens the Contact Locations window that displays the locations that the contact is assigned to.
    • View Contact Contracts
      Opens the Contact Contracts window that displays the contracts the customer is assigned to.
  7. If the contact search does not provide you with an existing contact, you can create the contact by clicking the New Contact button.

Buttons on this window

  • Clear All
    Select this button to clear all the fields in this window.
  • Clear Customer
    Select this button to clear the Customer field. Any search results related to the Customer field will also be cleared.
  • Redisplay
    Select this button to redisplay the search results. Typically the results display after you've tabbed off a field.
  • New Contact
    Select this button to open the Contact Setup window. See Creating a Contact.
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