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Assigning Responses and Response Types to a Task

A response will be selected by a technician after the service call to indicate the progress on a task. Alternatively, a dispatcher or another user may enter this information after the appointment based on the technician's notes for each task. The response section will display differently in the Service Call Tasks window depending on the response type assigned to the task in the Task Codes window. When setting up task codes, choose a response type that makes sense for the task. Conversely, task descriptions should be written so that they make sense with the selected response type. Task descriptions phrased as questions often work well.

Setting up task responses

The setup for creating task responses has been modified to move Response Type from Task Code Setup to Task Responses Setup. This feature provides more options in task responses to generate improved information from the field. The number of task responses has been expanded to include where you can set up multiple response types, labels, repair task codes, response type, and the position, if applicable, that are related to a task. Additionally, you can set up a response that will generate a service call based on the input.
For example, if you are entering a reading for a tire inspection, you may need to record the tire brand, the type of tire, and the tread depth. Instead of having to create each of the responses as a separate task, you can now add all these responses to one task. You could also set up a repair type if the tire needs to be changed and another if the brake pad needs to be changed.
To set up task responses

  1. Go to Task Code Setup. (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Signature Service > Lookup Setup > Tasks > Task Codes)
  2. Create a new task code.
  3. Choose Responses.
  4. In Task Responses Setup, the task code and description default from the previous window. Enter the response information as needed.
    • Type responses
      Choose from the following response types:
      • None
        Choose this option to disable all further lines. This is the default option when opening the window.
      • String
        Provides the user the ability to enter a text string up to 100 characters.
      • Numeric
        Provides the user the ability to enter a numeric response with two decimal places in the service call.
      • Integer
        Provides the user the ability to enter an integer response with no decimal places in the service.
      • Yes/No
        Provides the user with a drop-down list of Yes and No in the service call.
      • List
        Provides the user with a drop-down list of user-defined responses in the service call.
      • Text
        Provides the user the ability to enter a text response. 

        The Text option can only be used once per task code and only as the last non-None row. All further rows will be set to None.

      • Repair
        Provides the user with a drop-down list of Billable, No, and Yes. Selecting this type of response will enable the Repair Task Code field where you can enter a task code to be used on the new service call that is created when a user chooses Billable or Yes. If Billable is selected for the response, the Bill To address from the Rental Agreement will default on the Service Call. If Yes is selected for the response, the Non-Billable checkbox will default as selected.
      • Date
        Provides the user the ability to select a date as a response in the service call.
      • Label
        Enter a descriptive label that will display for the response.
      • Responses ID
        When the list response type has been selected, this field is available to choose the appropriate response ID. Tasks Responses List Setup can be accessed by choosing the Responses ID zoom or by going to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Signature Service > Lookup Setup > Tasks > Task Responses Lists. Enter the response list name and then enter the responses. These responses will be available as a drop-down list in the service call.
      • Required
        This setting is for use in MobileTech 6.0 and higher and will have no impact on the Service Management tasking functionality. 

        If a child to the parent is marked as required, but the parent is set up as a Skip and the response is No, the required child response will be marked as completed.

    • Skip
      This checkbox is only available with a Yes/No response type. When checked, and the response is No, the system will move to the next same level, skipping any children below the Yes/No response. For example, in the table below, if the response to A2 is No, the system will move on to B1.

      Task CodeHierarchyDescription



      Front Panel Damaged






      Repair Details



      Side Panel Damaged






      Repair Details

    • Repair Task Code
      This field is only enabled when the Repair response type is selected. When the user selects Yes or Billable as a task response on the service call, a new service call with the call type of EQR will be created with task code attached when the appointment is closed. 

      • Only one new service call is created, regardless of multiple repair Yes/Billable responses on the same originating service call.
      • An automatic repair call will not be created if you are completing the service call through an invoice. You must complete the call from the Appointments window with the Service Call window open - OR - you can set the call to complete directly in the Service Call window. The automatic Repair Call creation is focused on Call Complete and it is recommended to complete the call from Service Call window and allow all appointments to be marked completed as well. If you do not follow this process, the repair call will not be created. After you have completed the call, you will be able to invoice the call. You will not be able to complete the call from the Invoice window or by posting an invoice with the expectation of an automatic repair call.
    • Reading Type
      This drop-down list is only available for a list or integer response type. The options available depend on the response type selected.
    • List - Tire Brand, Tire Type, None
    • Integer - Tire Reading, Brake Reading, Reefer reading, None
    • Position - Choose the tire position.
  • After completing all the task responses for this task, choose Save.
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