Working with Related Appointments and/or Resource Activities
When you create multiple appointments at one time with the Appointment Wizard, these appointments are assigned to the same Group ID. Use the Related Appointments window, which is accessed by choosing the Related Appointments icon from the Service Appointment, Job Appointment, Service Call, and/or Resource Activity windows.
View Related Appointments
The Related Appointments window displays the following information, with the specific columns displayed depending on how you've accessed this window. For example, if you are accessing this from a Resource Activity, the Service Call and Job information would not display as this isn't relevant to the Resource Activity.
Service Call (for Service Appointments and Service Calls)
Job (for Job Appointments)
Activity (for Resource Activities)
Start Date
Estimated Hours
Skill Level
Completion Date
Additional Window Information
Filtering, Sorting, and Rearranging Data
Use your mouse to drag or select options below:
Group To group the display by a column, select a column header and drag this to the area labeled Drag a column header to the group location to group the results by that column located to the top left of the columns. To undo the grouping, drag the column header back to anywhere on the grid, the column header returns automatically to its original location.
Sort order Select the column header to change the sort order. A small triangle points to indicate if the sorting is ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A). Hold the Shift key when selecting headers to sort against multiple columns simultaneously.
Filter Select the lookup to select a filter type (contains, does not contain, starts with, ends with, equals, does not equal) and enter the value in the field to the right of the lookup.
Column Order Drag the column headers to the left or right to change the column order. The Customer and Location columns each have a main column header that lets you drag all three columns (Notes, Name, ID) at the same time. You can also rearrange the Notes, Name, and ID columns beneath both the Customer and Location headers.
Scrolling A horizontal scrollbar is displayed if additional columns are available to view. Drag the bar to view more columns. A vertical scrollbar is automatically displayed.
Clear All Select to unselect appointments. You would use this to clear any marked appointments. You can also individually clear a marked checkbox by clicking on the marked checkbox to remove the checkmark.
Clear Filter Select to clear the current search results filters.
Refresh Reloads the results from the database.
Export Select to export all data or selected rows. This icon displays the main Customer Hub list as well as some of the detail tabs (Open Appointments, Service Calls, Equipment, Contacts, Contracts, and Jobs)
This button may not be available, depending on the window you are viewing.
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