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Using the Customer Hub

The Customer Hub shows customer data including their contact information, location, service calls, location equipment, location contacts, location contracts, and/or jobs. Notes and attachments can be added and viewed for the customer, location, service calls, and location equipment. 

Accessing the Customer Hub

You can access the Customer Hub in one of three ways, with the last two methods having the selected customer or location highlighted on the hub page:

  • Select the Customer Hub icon at the top of Schedule.
  • On the schedule board, right-click on the appointment and select View Customer Details or View Location Details.
  • In the Unscheduled Appointments section of Schedule, right-click an appointment and select View Customer Details or View Location Details.

Viewing Customer Information

The Customer Hub displays the following information in the top scroll window. 

The column order listed below is the default order. You can filter, sort, and rearrange the data in this window. Filtering, sorting, and rearranging data for more information.

  • Customer
    • Notes
    • Name
    • ID
  • Location
    • Notes
    • Name
    • ID
  • Address
  • Address 2
  • Phone
  • Contact Person
  • Service Area
  • City
  • State
  • Postal Code

Viewing Detailed Customer Information

To see detail information for a customer, select the customer from the list on the Customer Hub.

The details section contains the following tabbed information associated with the customer. Some of the tabs may or may not display for all customers.

Creating Customers, Locations, and Service Calls

You have the option to right-click in the Customer Hub and create any of the following:

Working with Data

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