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Viewing and Optimizing Routes

You can view and/or optimize a technician's route on the map based on their assigned schedule. If rearranging a technician's route causes the appointment to be outside the technician's shift, that appointment is displayed red in the appointment list. See Using Drawing Tools on the Map to learn how to draw a shape on the map to include those appointments in the technician's route.

To view and optimize routes:

  1. From the Schedule Board, click Map View to open the Map and Route Resources window.

  2. The date in the top left corner of the window defaults to today's date. If you are route planning for a different day, click the date to open the calendar window to change the date. 

  3. Click the Select Resource for Routing drop-down and select the technician.

  4. Click Select Start Location for Route to select the starting location for routing the technician.

    • Home Location: The home location is set up in Admin Settings for the resource.

    • Current Location: The current location of the technician.

  5. The appointments are listed in the order displayed on the schedule board. 

  6. In Map and Route Resources window, you have the option to:

    • Manually re-arranging the route items by dragging and dropping in the list.

    • Add the start address as the end location.

    • Add a lunch break and time in minutes.

    • Remove the selected item.

    • Process Route

      • Route Current List - Select this option to route the list as it is currently displayed. This can be with a lunch break and/or the end location added.

      • Optimize Current List - Select this option to have the system re-arrange the appointments to optimize the route based on the technician and appointment locations. 

Default Icons



Add the start address as the end location.

Add a lunch break and time in minutes.

Remove the selected item.

Set start time.

Saves the route as displayed and rearranges the appointments on the schedule board for the resource.

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