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Unscheduled or Unassigned Appointments

The Unscheduled grid displays all unscheduled or unassigned appointments for the resources that are marked in the Resource list. To view all resources that you have access to view, mark the Show/Hide Resources checkbox. 

Filtering and Sorting in the Unscheduled/Unassigned Grid

You can filter and/or sort the information displayed in the Unscheduled/Unassigned grid.

  • Filtering - Use the fields below the column headers to enter filtering criteria to limit the appointments that display in this section. 

  • Sorting - Sort the columns by selecting the column header. A small triangle points to indicate if the sorting is ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A).

Unscheduling an Appointment

To unschedule an appointment, you can do one of the following:

  • Right-click the appointment on the schedule board and then select Unschedule.

  • Double-click the appointment and then change the Time to 12:00 AM. You can manually highlight the date time and edit the time or you can use the Date/Time Picker. See Using the Date/Time Picker for more information.

Unassigning an Appointment

To unassign an appointment, you can do one of the following:

  • Right-click the appointment on the schedule board and then select Unassign.

  • Double-click the appointment and then change the Resource to UNASSIGNED.

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