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Setting Up XOi Integration

The XOi Integration Setup in Schedule is used by XOi Technologies to access a specific API that is used by XOi for the Deep Linking workflow feature. This information must be provided to XOi. (A Schedule Administrator can print the contents of this window from a browser.) The XOi Integration Setup section is conditionally enabled if the See feature is registered for MobileTech, otherwise this tab is hidden. After setting up the integration, two XOi user roles are created and are hidden from the User Roles window. The XOi user is hidden from the User Detail window.

XOi Deep Linking is:

  • Compatible with MobileTech v8 and higher.

  • Available for supported versions of Signature 2016 and higher.

  • Enabled in Schedule 4.5 and higher.


  • XOi Deep Linking must be first be enabled in MobileTech Admin. See XOi Integration in the MobileTech Installation & Administration Guide for more information.

  • If you have any customers who do not allow the use of XOi onsite, you can disable XOi Deep Linking for the specific customer(s). Go to MobileTech Admin > Setup Options > Options > Customer Setup. Mark the checkbox in the Disable XOi Deep Linking column.

  • Verify the mapped Call and Appointment Summary Reports in MobileTech include the XOi Resolution box. If they do not, the XOi Resolution link will not appear. The simplest solution is to modify the base query and add the exact XOi Resolution box with visibility rules to match the newest version of the report. Another option is to utilize the newest version of the report and re-implement all customizations to the report, but this will take a far longer time. Wennsoft PSO is recommended for these customizations, and generally they will take no more than 30 minutes to perform, depending on whether the data source has already been customized or not. For complex customizations of reports with custom stored procedures or non-standard functionality, the time may increase.

To set up the XOi Integration in Schedule:

  1. In Schedule, select the menu icon and then select Administration.

  2. Select the Integrations tab.

  3. Under Account Detail:

    • User Name: Displays the user name for the XOi integration.

    • Password: Enter the XOi password.

    • Confirm Password: Enter your XOi password again. If you've mistyped the password, an error message displays that the passwords don't match.

  4. Under Integration Details, complete the following fields:

    • API URL: Displays the Schedule API URL. 

    • Signature Version: Displays the current Signature major version.

  5. In the Active Dynamics Companies section, all active companies' details (Company Name and Company ID) are shown as more than one company may need to be set up with XOi Technologies. The Active Dynamics Companies list includes all active Dynamics companies that may or may not have Signature and/or Schedule installed.

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