Setting Up a Field to Display in Schedule Service Call & Appointment Form Fields Settings
For Service Appointments, Job Appointments and Technician Activities
To display an appointment UDF field, open the AppointmentUDF.json file in a program that allows you to edit the file (example: Notepad). Edit the following fields within a set of braces { }.
"Label": User defined label that displays for the property.
"IsUsed": To display the field, change the IsUsed value to true .
Save the AppointmentUDF.json file.
For the Service Call Form
Once values are added into the WorkOrderUDF.json file, they become immediately available to add to the forms from the Schedule Settings window.
To display a service call UDF field, open the WorkOrderUDF.json file in a program that allows you to edit the file (example: Notepad++). Edit the following fields within a set of braces { }.
"Label": User defined label that displays for the property.
"IsUsed": To display the field, change the IsUsed value to true .
Save the WorkOrderUDF.json file.
For informatioin on how to add the user-defined field to the Schedule Appointment window, see Displaying Service Call, Appointment, & Equipment Form Fields.