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Locating a Record Using Find

Select the Find binocular icon on either the Schedule Board (to search for appointments) or the Customer Hub (to search for location contacts)  to open the Find window. The find types vary based on where the Find window was opened. 

  1. On the Schedule Board or Customer Hub, select the Find icon.
  2. Select the Find Type:
    • If searching from the Schedule Board:
      • Service Call
        Search for service appointment(s) using a partial or full service call number. This is the default search type.
      • BOB Work Order
        Search for service appointment(s) using a partial or full BOB work order number.
      • Purchase Order
        Search for a service appointment using the customer purchase order associated to the service call(s).
      • Maintenance Contracts
        Search for a service appointment using a full or partial maintenance contract number.
      • Job
        Search for job appointment(s) using a partial or full job number.
      • Project
        Search for job appointment(s) using a partial or full project number.
      • Resources
        Search for all appointments associated with a single resource (technician) ID.
    • If searching from the Customer Hub:
      • Contact Name
        Search for location contacts using a partial or full contact name.
      • Equipment
        Search for equipment using a partial or full equipment ID.
      • Maintenance Contract
        Search for a customer and location using a full or partial maintenance contract number.
      • Phone Number
        Search for a customer using a full or partial customer phone number.
  3. Enter the Find Data.

  4. Enter the From/To Dates. The default dates reflect the Unscheduled Days Back to Retrieve from Schedule Settings.  For example, if you have this set to retrieve 14 days back, the date range will displays 14 days back from today's date and 14 days forward from today's date. For more information, see Setting Up Company Options. The Find window accessed from the Customer Hub does not display the date range.

  5. Select Find. Schedule searches for records that contain the criteria you entered. For example, if you enter 201 when searching for a service call, all service calls that contain "201" will be returned (4201, 20111, 98201, etc.).

  6. The search results display.
  7. Use the context menu to act on a record returned by the Find process. The context menu can be opened by using the right-click of the mouse while positioned on any returned record in the result set. You may also double-click on the row to open the record. See Using the Context-Sensitive Menus for more information.

Working With the Search Results

In the search results section, you can sort and/or filter the results. See Filtering and Sorting Data.

Exporting Find Data

You have the option to export all data or a specific row to an Excel file. When opening the Excel file and you are prompted to Enable Editing, select Yes. If you select No, some of the column headers may not display.

  1. On the far left side of the window, select the Export icon.
  2. From the menu, select either Export all data or Export select rows
  3. Select the download location and then select Save

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