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Equipment Settings




Determines whether technicians can change an equipment record from the client device. The default value is True.

This setting does not prevent technicians from creating new equipment records.


Determines whether technicians can enter the equipment ID when they create an equipment record. The default value is False. If False, the equipment ID is system generated.


Determines whether the Refrigerant Tracking tab is available when viewing equipment on a service call. The default value is False. If Refrigerant Tracking is not registered, this value cannot be changed.


The level of requirement for equipment to be assigned during the appointment completion process. The default value is Optional.

  • OPTIONAL: Appointments can be completed regardless if equipment has been assigned or not.

  • WARNING: A warning is displayed if equipment has not been assigned to the appointment.

  • REQUIRED: An appointment cannot be completed until equipment has been assigned.


Determines whether the Replacement Parts tab is displayed for equipment assigned to the service call on the Appointment Completion form for service appointments. The default value is False

For information on using the Replacement Parts tab, see Create a Replacement Parts Inventory Transaction. Replacement parts for equipment are added in the Replacement Parts window in Signature. See Assigning Replacement Parts to Equipment.


Determines if a technician can create sublocations from their device. The default value is False. Set to True to allow technicians the ability to create unique (for the location) sublocations for equipment. With this set to True, technicians can also edit the description and barcode (if enabled) for an existing sublocation. See Create or Change an Equipment Record.

The AllowCreateSublocations option is enabled if Use Validation for Sublocations is marked in Service Management Service Options. (Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Service Management > Module Setup > Setup Options). 

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