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Job Safety Tasks

These settings apply only to service appointments. For information about how to set up Job Safety Audit (JSA) information in the host system, see Set up job safety audit (JSA) information.


Determines whether the JSA process is used. The default value is False. If False, the remaining settings in this section are not available. 

If you change this setting to True, the JSA process is used only for appointments that are created or edited in Service Management – and then synced – after the setting is changed. Other existing appointments are not impacted.


The JSA task list type. This value is required to use JSA and to make JSA tasks available to technicians.

JobSafetyStartStatusThe appointment status that is used to start the JSA process. When a technician selects this appointment status, the Job Safety tab opens automatically so the technician can complete JSA tasks.If a status is selected for both this setting and AutoStatusUpdate in the Mobile Device Global Settings section, we recommend that you do not use the same status for both.
JobSafetyUnsafeStatusThe appointment status that is used to indicate that work conditions are unsafe.You might want to create a status specifically for this purpose, such as UNSAFE. You can create this status in the Appointment Status Setup window in Service Management.

The level of requirement for completing the Job Safety Task report before starting work on appointment tasks. The default value is REQUIRED.

    • REQUIRED - The report must be completed to complete an appointment.
    • OPTIONAL - The report does not have to be completed to complete an appointment.
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