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User Role Maintenance

The Role Maintenance window is used to add or delete user-created roles. You can also add technicians to the roles in this window. The default roles of System Administrator and MobileTech are created during the installation of MobileTech and cannot be deleted. For information about the roles, see Woodford Roles Overview. Using Woodford, you can customize the application to user roles. For specific information about how to use Woodford to customize your application, see the Resco Mobile CRM Woodford User Guide.

If you are using Resco Inspections:

  • A user assigned to the Manager role should not be assigned to any other role within MobileTech as this affects what the user will see in the Resco Cloud dashboard. The Manager role synchronizes with the MobileTech Inspection Manager Woodford project.

  • A technician should only have one role assigned, either Inspector or MobileTech. The assigned role determines which MobileTech Woodford project is used.

    • The Inspector role synchronizes with the MobileTech with Inspections Woodford (child) project.

    • The MobileTech role synchronizes with the MobileTech Woodford (parent) project.

Adding a New Role

  1. In MobileTech Administration, select Role Maintenance.

  2. Select Add Role to create a new role.

  3. Enter a Role Name and select Add.

  4. Select OK.

Adding One or More Technicians to a Role

To assign a technician to a role:

  1. In MobileTech Administration, select Role Maintenance.

  2. Select the role you are assigning technicians to in the Role Name list.

  3. Select Add Technicians.

  4. Use the filter options to narrow the technician display list. You can filter by name or technician ID. Enter a partial or whole entry and then select the Filter icon. To clear the filter, select the Clear Filter icon.

  5. Mark the checkbox(es) next to one or more technicians or click Select All to mark the checkboxes for the displayed technicians.

  6. Select Add.

Removing One or More Technicians from a Role

  1. In MobileTech Administration, select Role Maintenance.

  2. Select the role you are removing the technician from in the Role Name list.

  3. Mark the checkbox(es) next to one or more technicians.

  4. Select Remove Technicians.

  5. Select Yes in the confirmation window.

Technicians may also be added to or removed from roles in the User window by marking/unmarking the checkbox next to the role name and then saving the User record.

Deleting a Role

  1. In MobileTech Administration, select Role Maintenance.

  2. Select the role in the Role Name list.

  3. Select Delete Role.

  4. Select Yes in the confirmation window.

Deleting Multiple Roles

  1. In MobileTech Administration, select Role Maintenance.

  2. Select Add Role.

  3. Mark the checkboxes next to the roles to be deleted.

  4. Select Delete Selected Roles.

  5. Select Yes in the confirmation window.

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