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Updating GPS Coordinates

You can add or update location coordinates using your device's global positioning system. GPS coordinates can be updated for appointmentsequipment, and locations. We recommend using cell service when updating GPS locations.

The technician needs to be physically standing at the location and then select Update GPS as that is specific to the location to be saved.

To update the GPS coordinates:

  1. In the Appointment, Equipment, or Location pane, select the menu icon.

  2. Select Update GPS.

  3. When you sync your device, the coordinates will update the record in Service Management.

Additional Information

The Mapping feature in MobileTech looks for the customer's location coordinates in the following order:

  1. Location Maintenance in Service Management using Latitude and Longitude coordinates.

  2. using the location's address fields.

  3. Device's GPS – This is a manual method using the Update GPS feature. 

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