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Time Entry

You can create time entries for unbilled labor hours, expenses, and travel for the current or, depending on your company's settings, the previous work week. Billable service call costs that are incurred during a service call or job appointment are entered when the appointment is completed. All time entries that you create on this device appear in the Time Entries pane after they're saved. Entries that are created on a different device don't appear in this pane.

If UseTechnicianHelper is set to True in Mobile Device Global Settings, technicians can enter time entries for technician helpers. When using the employee lookup, you can search by department and position.

Separate time entries are created if you time in/out and the resulting values overlap midnight of the default week-ending day. Midnight is determined by the technician's device. The first entry is for the time up to midnight (12:00 am) and the second entry is post-midnight (12:00).

For example, the week-ending day is set to Friday. If you time into an appointment at 10:00 pm on Friday and time out at 2:00 am on Saturday, two entries are created. The first time entry is for the previous time period (10:00 pm to 12:00 am and the second time entry is for the current time period (12:00 am to 2:00 am).

The default week-ending day is determined by the existing Default Week-Ending Day that is set up in TimeTrack. See Choosing Setup Options in the TimeTrack documentation.

Depending on the setup, you may see total hours displayed in the header.

  • The Time Entry view header displays the following, depending on the drop-down choice:

    • Total Hours for the Current week

    • Total Hours for the Previous week

  • The Time Entry pane header from Appointment Complete displays the Total Appointment Hours.

The hours displayed only show the time entered on the device.

See also:

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