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Set Up TimeTrack

Maintaining History

You must set up TimeTrack to maintain history so TimeTrack transactions appear correctly on the Call Summary report, especially after the TimeTrack batches are committed.

  1. In Microsoft Dynamics GP, select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > TimeTrack > Setup Options. The TimeTrack Setup Options window is displayed.

  2. In the Miscellaneous Items section, mark Maintain History.

  3. Select Save.

Entering Unbilled Transactions

If technicians will be entering unbilled TimeTrack transactions in MobileTech, you must set up the host system to handle those transactions properly.

  1. In Microsoft Dynamics GP, select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > TimeTrack > Setup Options. The TimeTrack Setup Options window is displayed.

  2. In the Create a GL Journal Entry For section, mark Unbilled Transactions.

  3. Select Save.

  4. Set up unbilled asset accounts. For information, see the TimeTrack documentation.

Setting Up Manager Approval

In the TimeTrack User Guide, see Setting Up the Manager Approval Feature for more information regarding setting up the manager.

If technicians submit timesheets that need manager approval, you will need to set up the following in the TimeTrack Setup Options window:

In the TimeTrack Setup Options Email Notification section, the option to Notify Manager when Employee has Updated Rejected Trx is not honored in MobileTech. If marked, the manager will not receive email notifications. The manager will receive a notification when the technician resubmits the timesheet if Notify Manager when Employee Submits Time Card for Approval is marked.

Verify Technician and Manager Setup in Signature Registered Users Setup

MobileTech users must be set up as Registered Users window in TimeTrack and enabled for TimeTrack entry, regardless if they will be submitting time and/or expense transactions.

Additionally, for the technician's manager to be notified by email when a timesheet is submitted for approval, you will need to verify that the manager's email address is set up in TimeTrack's Registered Users Setup window. In the TimeTrack User Guide, see Signature registered users and Setting Up the Manager Approval Feature for detailed information.

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