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Set the Fetch Limit (Optional)

The Fetch Limit is the number of records the SERVER MODE fetches at a time.

UseServerMode must be set to TRUE in MobileTech Admin Mobile Device Global Settings. This setting defaults to TRUE.

Setting the Fetch Limit on the New Service Call Form

For the New Service Call form in the MobileTech Client the Fetch Limit defaults to 100. A Customer Location/Equipment search field displays at the top of the New Service Call form if the number of customers, locations, and equipment records are equal to or greater than the fetchLimit value.

To set the fetch limits for the New Service Call form:

  1. In MobileTech Administration, select Tools > Launch Resco Cloud Dashboard

  2. Enter the Email and Password and select Log in

  3. In the left navigation, select Woodford.

  4. Open the MobileTech Woodford project.

  5. Navigate to the Offline HTML tab on the left panel.

  6. Double-click entity to open. 

  7. Double-click servicecall to open.

  8. Select servicecall-form_new.html and then select Edit.

  9. Scroll down to INITIAL SETTINGS.

  10. Update the var fetchLimit value. The default is 100.

  11. Select Save to close the Edit window.

  12. Select Save to save the project.

  13. Publish the project.

  14. Technicians will need to synchronize to update the MobileTech Client.

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