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MobileTech Installation

Upgrading to MobileTech 2024 From a Previous Version

You can upgrade to MobileTech 2024 from version 9.0 (2022) or higher.

  • Before you upgrade from a previous version of MobileTech:
    • Make sure that all mobile devices have been synchronized to the host system. If you've made changes to views or stored procedures in previous versions of MobileTech, those changes will be overwritten during the upgrade.
    • IMPORTANT: Inactivate any active Woodford projects before running the upgrade.
  • You'll be prompted to install database objects the first time you log into MobileTech Administration after upgrading. You must do this for each company. If you're not prompted to install database objects, go to Tools > Create MobileTech Objects and select Process. For more information, see Log into MobileTech Administration in the Installation & Administration Guide. For additional upgrade notes, see Upgrade MobileTech Server in the Installation & Administrative Guide. Installing database objects during an upgrade does not remove any data from the middle tier.


  • If you are upgrading to Signature 2024 (18.7.9), you must upgrade to MobileTech 2024.

  • If you are only upgrading MobileTech to version 2024, you can be on any of these compatible Signature versions.

Installing MobileTech for the First Time

You can install and set up MobileTech as described in the Signature MobileTech Installation & Administration Guide

You can install MobileTech Server on any Microsoft Windows Server environment. For specific versions, see the Signature System Requirements. MobileTech Server cannot be loaded in a non-Windows Server environment.

MobileTech Components to Install

To set up and implement MobileTech, you must install these components:

  • MobileTech Server 2024 (10.0.63) includes Resco Woodford v17.1.2.1781, Publish Version 16.0

  • MobileTech 10.0.63.Woodford (included in installation)
  • MobileTech with Inspections 10.0.63.Woodford (if you are using Inspections)
    IMPORTANTDue to issues with Resco licensing where the Inspection license is assigned to any technician who syncs with a project that has Inspections even if they are not assigned the Inspector Role, you need to have two Woodford projects (one for Inspections, one for non-Inspections). See Import the MobileTech Woodford Project for the updated steps for creating a child project and importing the Inspections project.
  • Resco Mobile CRM 16.0.9 or higher (from device App Store)  

Important Notes

  • Microsoft announced on May 24, 2024, that they are deprecating Bing Maps. Customers using Bing Maps for Enterprise Basic or Free license will no longer be able to use Bing Maps for Enterprise services beyond June 30, 2025. To continue using Mapping in MobileTech, you will need to obtain a Google Maps API key at (You will need an API key that includes Maps and Routes. You do not need Places.) See Enter the Google Maps API Key.
  • As App Stores increase their security requirements, HTTPS (with Trusted SSL Certificates) will soon become required across all device types.  Therefore, we recommend you transition your MobileTech environment to use SSL with a trusted certificate.
  • Do not install MobileTech server components on your SQL Server machine. 
  • Install MobileTech Administration on the MobileTech web server.
  • Verify the eTimeTrack Web Service current release version matches the installed version of Signature. For installation instructions for each component, see the Installation & Administration Guide.
  • If your technicians need WiFi, and your company typically turns it off overnight and on weekends, you might want to reconsider this practice to ensure they have the necessary access.

Obtain a Google Maps API Key

To use the Mapping feature on any device, you will need to obtain a Google Maps API key at You will need the Maps JavaScript API (Maps > Dynamic Maps) and Geocoding (Places tab). Geocoding is required for setting coordinates. See Enter the Google Maps API Key.

Microsoft announced on May 24, 2024, that they are deprecating Bing Maps. Customers using Bing Maps for Enterprise Basic or Free license will no longer be able to use Bing Maps for Enterprise services beyond June 30, 2025.

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