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Limit Inspections to Technician Teams and/or Branches (Optional)

If you have Global Filtering turned on in Signature, you can limit access to Inspections by one or more technician teams and/or one or more branches. This provides you with the ability to have inspection reports that are customized for technician teams and/or branches set up in Signature. If you imported the MobileTech with Inspections project, this feature defaults as enabled in the project. You will still need to refresh lookups, import the sync filters, and associate the templates as well as sync devices. 

Refreshing Lookups

  1. In MobileTech Administration, go to Tools > Refresh Lookups.
  2. Scroll down to Employee, if you are restricting access by:
    • Technician team: Select Technician Team and Technician Team User.
    • Branch: Select Branch and Branch User.
    • Technician team or branch: Select Technician Team, Technician Team User, Branch, and Branch User.
  3. Select Refresh.

Importing Sync Filters in the Woodford Project

If you decide to change how you are limiting access (for example, you decide to limit by branch instead of only technician team, etc.), you can import the appropriate sync filters without needing to remove the previous sync filters.

The sync filters for Technician Team and Branch are set up to display the inspection on devices that have either the technician team or the branch that is associated with the inspection. See Associating Inspection Templates below. If you require that the access be limited to a technician team and branch, you will need to change the operand on the sync filter(s) that you import for the technician team and branch. Select the link below to view a screenshot of the Edit Filter window with the operand highlighted.

Click here to expand...

Change the highlighted operand to "AND" to require the technician to have both the team and branch be assigned in Signature for the associated team and branch on the Inspection to display on their device. This operand needs to be changed on all the technician team and branch sync filters that you've imported.

To import the Sync Filter:

  1. In MobileTech Administration, select Tools > Launch Resco Cloud Dashboard. 
  2. Enter the Email and Password and select Log in
  3. In the left navigation, select Woodford.
  4. Open the project.
  5. Under Entities in the left navigation, scroll to and select Inspection.
  6. From the menu bar, select Sync Filter.
  7. In the Edit filter window, select Import XML.
  8. Navigate to Signature/MobileTech/Admin/Inspections/Filters/ and select the appropriate sync filter:
    • Technician Team: filter-Technician Team
    • Branch: filter-Branch
    • Technician Team and Branch:  filter-Technician Team and Branch
  9. Select filter-Inspection and select Open
  10. Select Save & Close.
  11. Publish the project.

Associating Inspection Templates

  1. In MobileTech Administration, select Tools > Launch Resco Cloud Dashboard. 
  2. Enter the Email and Password and select Log in
  3. Open the Questionnaire Designer.
  4. Select the inspection template and from the menu bar, select Associate.
  5. Select Add. (You can remove an associated entity by selecting the entity and then select Remove.)
  6. Select the appropriate entity from the drop-down.  
    • branch_inspection
    • technicianteam_inspection
  7. Select the team or branch.
  8. Select OK in the Select Entity window.
  9. Repeat steps 5 - 8 to associate additional entities to the Inspection.
  10. Select OK.

Syncing Devices

The final step is to sync devices to restrict the inspections that display.

Setting Up Inspection Synchronization and Enabling Technician Team and/or Branch

If you have imported the MobileTech with Inspections project, you do not need to perform any of the following steps as these are already set up. The instructions are provided if you have manually enabled Inspections on the other non-Inspections MobileTech project available in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Signature\MobileTech\Admin\Woodford folder. After you've completed the following, you will also need to complete the steps above that include refreshing lookups, importing sync filters, associating templates, and syncing devices.

Setting Up Inspection Synchronization

  1. In MobileTech Administration, select Tools > Launch Resco Cloud Dashboard. 
  2. Enter the Email and Password and select Log in
  3. In the left navigation, select Woodford.
  4. Open the MobileTech Woodford project.
  5. Under Entities in the left navigation, scroll to and select Inspection (or Questionnaire).
  6. Select the Synchronization drop-down and select Always Full Sync.
  7. Select the Incremental Linked SyncFilter drop-down and select Enable.
  8. From the menu bar, select Save.

Enabling Technician Team and/or Branch

If you are only limiting access by a technician team or branch, you will only need to enable the respective entity. If you will be limiting access by both the technician team and branch, enable both entities.

Enable Technician Team - Inspection

  1. In MobileTech Administration, select Tools > Launch Resco Cloud Dashboard. 
  2. Enter the Email and Password and select Log in
  3. In the left navigation, select Woodford.
  4. Open the MobileTech Woodford project.
  5. Under Entity in the left navigation, scroll to and select Technician Team - Inspection.
  6. From the menu bar, select Enable.
  7. Select the Synchronization drop-down and select Always Full Sync.
  8. Select the Incremental Linked SyncFilter drop-down and select Enable.
  9. From the menu bar, select Save.

Enable Branch - Inspection

  1. In MobileTech Administration, select Tools > Launch Resco Cloud Dashboard. 
  2. Enter the Email and Password and select Log in
  3. In the left navigation, select Woodford.
  4. Open the MobileTech Woodford project.
  5. Under Entity in the left navigation, scroll to and select Branch - Inspection.
  6. From the menu bar, select Enable.
  7. Select the Synchronization drop-down and select Always Full Sync.
  8. Select the Incremental Linked SyncFilter drop-down and select Enable.
  9. From the menu bar, select Save.
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