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Filter Service Call Types (Optional)

Your organization may want to limit the Service Call Types that technicians can select when creating a new service call or editing an existing service call on their device. For example, you may not want your technicians to be able to select the MC call type.

  1. In MobileTech Administration, select Tools > Launch Resco Cloud Dashboard

  2. Enter the Email and Password and select Log in

  3. In the left navigation, select Woodford.

  4. Open the MobileTech Woodford project.

  5. In the left navigation under Components, select Offline HTML.

  6. Double-click entity.

  7. Double-click servicecall.

  8. Complete the steps below.

New Service Call Form

This is the form where technicians create a new service call. MCC is already set up as excluded from the Call Type drop-down when creating a new service call.

  1. Select servicecall-form_new.html

  2. From the menu bar, select Edit.

  3. Scroll down to the function fetchCallType.

  4. Locate the line: 
    entity.addFilter().notIn(, ["MCC"]);.

  5. After the "MCC" enter the call type(s) to be excluded from the Call Type drop-down in the new service call form in MobileTech.
    For example, to exclude MC from displaying, you would add ,"MC" so that the line reads as
    entity.addFilter().notIn(, ["MCC","MC"]);

  6. Complete the previous steps to exclude additional call types, if necessary.

  7. Select Save.

  8. Publish the project or continue editing below.

Pending Service Call Form

This is the form where technicians are editing a service call that they have created and not yet synced. MCC is already set up as excluded from the Call Type drop-down when creating a new service call.

  1. Select servicecall-form_pending.html.

  2. Scroll down to the function fetchCallType.

  3. Locate the line:
    "<value>MCC</value>" +.

  4. Directly below that line, enter a new line for each service call type that you don't want to display.
    For example, to exclude MC from displaying, enter this line:
    "<value>MC</value>" +

  5. Complete the previous steps to exclude additional call types, if necessary.

  6. Select Save.

  7. Publish the project or continue editing below.

Service Call Default Form

This is the default service call form. MCC and MC call types are already set up as excluded. You would only need to edit this Offline HTML form if you are excluding any other call types.

  1. Select servicecall-form_default.html

  2. From the menu bar, select Edit.

  3. Scroll down to the function fetchCallType.

  4. Locate the line:
    "<value>MCC</value>" +

  5. Directly below that line, enter a new line for each service call type that you don't want to display.
    For example, to exclude AS from displaying, enter this line:
    "<value>AS</value>" +

  6. Complete the previous steps to exclude additional call types, if necessary.

  7. Select Save.

  8. Publish the project.

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