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Create a Service Call or Request From BOB Dashboard or Tab

To create a service call from the BOB dashboard or tab:

  1. Select the equipment.

  2. Depending on the entity form, you can select to:

    • Add to Service Call: This option adds the equipment to the current service call. This is available on the Bob dashboard or the Service and Appointment forms.

    • Create Service Call: This option creates a new service call for the equipment. This is available from the Equipment form.

    • View Service Call List: This option displays a list of service calls that this equipment has been assigned to.

    • Create Service Request: This option creates a new service request for the equipment. This is available if the Equipment is linked and has an active fault. See Creating a Service Request below.

    • View Fault Details: This option displays the Fault Details view that includes the fault name and priority and fault status icons. Faults are sorted to display "In fault" rules at the top of the list and then sorted by Priority. You have the ability to narrow the displayed list by searching for any displayed information (like status, etc.). Select the fault to display the timestamp, description, issue type(s), status, system effect, and recommendations. From the specific fault display, you have the option to create a service call or service request for that fault or you can close the fault display. 

  3. If the equipment has more than one fault status, the Select Fault for Call window opens and you must select the status that you are creating the service call for. If there is only one status alert, the information is automatically added to the service call description. Note: You can only select one status.

    The information includes the following information from Building Optimization Broker:

    • Fault

    • Target

    • System Effect

    • Recommendation

  4. Complete the service call form.

Creating a Service Request

This option appears on the BOB dashboard or tab when you select a piece of equipment that is linked to BOB and has an active fault. 

To create a service request from the BOB dashboard or tab:

  1. Select the equipment and select Create Service Request.

  2. In the Create Service Request window, the Equipment, Client, and Site fields auto-populate with their BOB names (these may be different from the Signature names, depending on your company's setup). These fields are display-only.

  3. Select the Fault drop-down and select the fault to attach to the service request.

  4. The Issue Types and Priority fields auto-populate based on the select fault and are display-only.

  5. The Description defaults from the fault and is editable.

  6. Select Create.

  7. A confirmation message displays with the BOB workorder number.

  8. Select OK.

  9. The service request is available in Service Requests in BOB and in the Schedule Service Request list to be accepted/declined. The requestor information on the service request is the technician's name and email address.

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