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Complete Tasks for a Service Call

You can view, change, and complete information for a single task or for a group of tasks that is associated with a service call. To easily go to other tasks from the Tasks tab, select Previous or Next

Depending on the MobileTech setup, you may be required to enter a task response before the appointment can be completed. Additionally, if task materials (replacement parts) are associated with a task, a nut and bolt icon is displayed for the task. You can select Task Materials to view those task materials. For information about viewing task materials or creating inventory transactions for them, see View Task Materials and Create a Task Materials Inventory Transaction.

Beginning with MobileTech 8.0, a service call can remain open with Task Completion set to required if a second appointment is created for the service call before attempting to complete the first appointment.

Completing Service Call Tasks

To complete tasks for a service call:

  1. From the main navigation, select Service Calls > select a service call and select More (OR   select an appointment > Select More > select the Service Call hyperlink).

  2. In the Service Call window, select the Tasks tab. 

  3. A list of the tasks that you're scheduled to complete for the service call is displayed. You can filter the tasks that display by selecting from the following:

    • All Tasks (hierarchy) – View all tasks for a service call by sublocation, then equipment, and then the task list. This is the default view.

    • Open Tasks (hierarchy) – View only open tasks for a service call by sublocation, then equipment, and then the task list.

    • All Tasks (no hierarchy) – View all tasks for a service call by task code. No equipment, sublocation, or task list information is displayed.

    • Incomplete Equipment - View all equipment that have at least one open task. You can select the equipment to show a Complete Tasks action item is available to complete the open task(s).

  4. If you want to filter the task list more, you can select the:

    • All Sublocations dropdown to select a specific Sublocation.

    • All Equipment dropdown to select a specific Equipment.

      • If you selected a Sublocation, only the equipment available for the sublocation is listed in the drop-down. If you did not select a specific sublocation, all the equipment assigned to the task list will display in the drop-down.

      • Select the + button to the right of the equipment to open the Equipment form where you can add new equipment. Select the < button on the Equipment window to return to the Tasks form. The equipment will automatically be assigned to the service call.

  5. You can select the drop-down beneath the filters to select to display tasks based on the Task Status by selection:

    • Show All - Displays all tasks, although if you have filtered to show Open Tasks at the top of the page, only the open tasks display.

    • Open Tasks - Displays only tasks with an Open status.

    • Complete Tasks - Displays only tasks with a Closed status.

Working With a Group of Tasks

Completing a Group of Tasks

To complete a group of tasks:

  1. Select the task list, sublocation, and/or equipment above the tasks and select the Complete icon. 

  2. When a message appears to confirm the completion of all tasks under the selected entity, select Yes

  3. The status of the tasks changes to Complete. When you complete a task, all subtasks for the task are also completed.

Reopening a Group of Tasks

To reopen a group of tasks:

  1. Select the task list, sublocation, and/or equipment above the tasks and select the Reopen icon.

  2. When a message appears to confirm that all tasks will be reopened under the selected entity, select Yes

  3. The status of the tasks changes to the default task status. If you previously chose More to view or change information for a task and you selected the status for that task, the status of the task doesn't change if tasks are completed or reopened by using the sublocation, equipment, or task list.

  4. When you finish all the tasks for a service call, select the Complete icon. The word COMPLETE is displayed next to each task to indicate the task is completed.

Working With Individual Tasks

Entering Task Details

  1. Select the task.

  2. Select More.

  3. Under Task Details, you can:

    • Edit the Task StatusCompletion Date

    • Enter a text Description, depending on the task.

    • You can also add or edit a text Comment up to 120 characters.

    • Navigate to the Equipment form by selecting the “i” icon to the right of the equipment name to modify the equipment record. Use the < icon on the Equipment form to return to the Task Details page.
      IMPORTANT: If the sublocation is updated for the equipment, only the equipment’s sublocation is updated. The task sublocation is NOT updated for existing tasks (because this is a key segment). Any future created tasks will have the updated equipment sublocation.

Completing an Individual Task

To complete an individual task:

  1. Select the task list, sublocation, and/or equipment above the tasks. The information that is displayed for the task depends on the filters that you selected.

  2. Select an individual task from the list of tasks, select Complete or select More to update information for the task, such as the status or completion date.

  3. Use the Previous < and Next > buttons to work with other tasks. If you select the X to close the form and you have unsaved changes on the form, you will be prompted to Save and Close, Discard Changes, or Continue Editing.

  4. When you finish all the tasks for a service call, select the Complete icon. The word COMPLETE is displayed next to each task to indicate the task is completed.

Reopening an Individual Task

Depending on the status of the task, you can reopen the task, complete it, or select More to update information for the task, such as the status or completion date. The status of the task changes to the default task status if you select Reopen.

After you complete a task, you can close the pane, select Next to go to the next task, or select Previous to return to an earlier task.

  1. Select the task list, sublocation, and/or equipment above the tasks. The information that is displayed for the task depends on the filters that you selected.

  2. Select an individual task from the list of tasks, select Complete or select More to update information for the task, such as the status or completion date.

  3. Use the Previous < and Next > buttons to work with other tasks. If you select the X to close the form and you have unsaved changes on the form, you will be prompted to Save and Close, Discard Changes, or Continue Editing.

  4. When you finish all the tasks for a service call, select the Complete icon. The word COMPLETE is displayed next to each task to indicate the task is completed.

Viewing an MCC Task Note

For an MCC (maintenance contract computer-generated) call, you can view the notes that were added in Signature to a task.

Task Note only displays if the MCC service call task has a note attached. If the task does not have a note, then Task Note is not available to select.

  1. Select a task.

  2. Select More, and then select Task Note

  3. The note added to the task in Signature displays as read-only. 

Viewing MCC Task Response History

You can view task responses for historical MCC (maintenance contract computer-generated) service calls on the contract. The number of historical service calls displayed is determined by the MobileTech Company-Specific Settings setup option HistoryCount. The historical responses remain on the device until the next device sync. Select Collapse All to collapse all the responses to display only the service call or you can select a service call title to collapse the service calls individually. Alternatively, you can select Expand All to expand all collapsed service calls or select the collapsed service call to expand. 

  1. Select a task.

  2. Select More, and then select Task Response History.

  3. Select the Sync icon in the expanded Task Response History section to download the task responses for historical service calls on the contract. The synchronization requires internet connectivity.

  4. The historical task responses display, organized by service call. 

Adding Attachments to a Task

You can view attachments for tasks that originated in Service Management, and you can add new attachments to tasks from your mobile device. You can also use your mobile device to mark up attachments for tasks. See Working With Attachments for more information.

Working With Subtasks

  1. Select a task.

  2. Select More, and then select Subtasks

  3. Beneath the Subtasks bar, you can filter the subtasks by selecting Show AllOpen Tasks, or Complete Tasks from the drop-down.

  4. To complete all the displayed subtasks, select the Complete button. You can also reopen all the displayed Closed subtasks by selecting the Reopen icon.

  5. To complete an individual subtask, select a subtask, and depending on the status of the subtask, you can select CompleteReopen, or More. If you select More, you can change the completion date, if needed. You can also change the status of the subtask.

  6. When you finish changing the subtask information, close the pane or use the Previous < and Next > buttons to work with other tasks. If you select the X to close the form and you have unsaved changes on the form, you will be prompted to Save and Close, Discard Changes, or Continue Editing.

  7. When you finish all the tasks for a service call, select the Complete icon. The word COMPLETE is displayed next to each task to indicate the task is completed.

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