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Map2BOB Overview

Map2BOB provides an efficient process that will allow a Signature Service Management (SMS) user to create entity data in Building Optimization Broker (BOB) using data from ERP Customers, Locations, Equipment, and Contacts. This also creates the link between the BOB entity and the ERP entity. If you’ve already created entity data in Building Optimization Broker, you can use the Map2BOB features to link existing BOB entity data to its ERP equivalent.

This linking of ERP data to the Building Optimization Broker will enable Service Requests initiated in BOB to be transitioned into a Signature Service Call for any linked Signature Customer, Location, and Equipment, with valid to references Signature Location Contacts. Signature Service Calls created from BOB Service Requests will be additionally linked by the BOB Work Order Number which is stored in the Signature Service Call entity. Additionally, the linking of BOB and ERP entity data allows MobileTech to expose the BOB Dashboard which exposes BOB Fault and Priority data to the field.

Access the Map2BOB mapping window from the Service Manager > Additional window where you can:

  • Link Clients
  • Link Contacts
  • Link and Track Sites
  • Link and Track Equipment

Map2BOB Window Overview

  • Sort a column by selecting the column header.
  • Drag a column header up to the "Drag a column header" section to group the table by that column.
  • Search for an entity using the Search field in the top right corner.
  • Filter within a column by entering the criteria at the top of the column in the Filter field.
  • Filter the displayed entities using the Edit Filter button on the lower right corner. To clear the filter, select Edit Filter and then click the Delete icon.
  • Refresh the table by selecting the Refresh button.
  • View the BOB Company name, the BOB User name, and the number of Locations (depending on the displayed tab) in the bottom left corner.
  • View the Microsoft Dynamics GP User ID in the bottom right corner.
  • Select the Home tab to display the options to map Locations (and Customers, Contacts, or Equipment).

How can I tell if an entity is tracked and/or linked?

ContactIn the Client Contacts window, if the BOB Contact is displayed to the right of the ERP Contact, the two Contact records are linked.
CustomerIn the Map2BOB Location tab, if the BOB Client is displayed to the right of the ERP Customer on the Map2BOB Location tab, the Customer and the BOB Client are linked.

In the Equipment Tracking window:

  • If Equipment is tracking in Building Optimization Broker, the Tracked check box is marked.
  • If the ERP Equipment is linked with BOB Equipment, the Linked column displays the link icon to the left of the Equipment.

In the Map2BOB Location tab:

  • If the BOB Site is tracking in Building Optimization Broker, the Tracked check box is marked.
  • If a Location is linked with a BOB Site, the Linked column displays the link icon.
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