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Using the Transport Scheduler

Use the Transport Scheduler to assign transport requests to a truck. Transport requests with the status of Urgent or Available are listed in the Transport Scheduler window. Jobs with the status Not Ready will not be listed on the Transport Scheduler.

  1. Select Transactions > Equipment > Transport Scheduler.
  2. Select a Truck ID.
  3. Double-click a transport request in the upper scrolling window to include this request on the truck. To remove a transport request, double-click the transport request in the lower scrolling window.
  4. Use the arrow buttons to rearrange the transport requests in a preferred delivery order. Items will appear in this order on the printed list of assignments for the truck. To print the assignment list for a truck, select the truck in the Truck ID field, and select the print button. From and To field information comes from the City field in the Transport Request Equipment window.
  5. Select OK.
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