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Signature Action Lists

Lists are displayed in the content pane of the Microsoft Dynamics GP application window. In the navigation pane, you will find a button for each Microsoft Dynamics GP series and each Signature module.
Use the Signature Equipment navigation pane button to access Signature lists:

The content pane will display the area page for the product you have chosen. On the area page, you will find quick links to all the product's operations, which you can also access from the menu toolbar.
The navigation pane will display a list of all the lists that are available for the selected product. The following lists are available for each Microsoft Dynamics GP series and Signature module:



Accounts, Account Transactions, Checkbooks, General Ledger Batches, Report list, and Assets


Customers, Prospects, Salespeople, All Sales Transactions, Receivables Transactions, Sales Order Transactions, Invoicing Transactions, Receivables Batches, and Report list


Vendors, All Purchasing Transactions, Payables Transactions, Purchase Order Transactions, Payables Batches, and Report list


All Reports list, My Reports list, System Report list, Company Report list, Custom Report list, and SmartList Favorites


Items, Bill of Materials, Item Transactions, Report list, and In-Transit Transfers

HR & Payroll

Employees, Applicants, Attendance Transactions, and Report list


Bills of Materials, Picking Documents, Job Costing, Routings, and Manufacturing Orders


Projects, Timesheet Transactions, Billing Transactions, PA purchase order transactions, and Report list

Signature Equipment

Equipment, Report list

Performing an action on a list item

Each list displays an action pane that contains action buttons. With these buttons, you can add new records to the list or perform actions on the records that you select in the list. You can also open windows that allow you to view record details.

Equipment Management

  1. Open the Equipment Management area page by choosing the Signature Equipment navigation pane button.
  2. From the navigation pane, select Equipment to display the Equipment list in the content pane.
  3. A list of equipment records displays. By choosing equipment records from the list and using the action buttons, you can:
    • Transfer equipment
    • Change the status of equipment
    • Enter a meter reading
    • Edit the equipment record
    • Modify an Equipment ID
    • Create a new equipment entry
    • Create a new service call linked to the equipment
    • Restrict the equipment list view based on availability
    • Print or export a list of equipment records to Excel
    • View service management details
    • View fixed asset details
  4. From the navigation pane, select Report List to display the Report list in the content pane. A list of equipment reports displays. By choosing equipment reports from the list and using the action buttons, you can:
    • View or print the selected reports
    • Import/export reports
    • Publish reports
    • Change report options
    • Add dexterity-based equipment reports to My Reports on your home page
    • Create new GP reports, Excel reports, SmartLists, and SQL report packs
    • Print a list of the selected reports
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