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About Average Usage

The first step in determining the scheduled maintenance due date is calculating the average daily usage of your equipment. The average daily usage for a piece of equipment is calculated based on the meter readings over a specified number of days. For example, if you set 90 days as the average usage calculation, the average usage for equipment is calculated based on the meter readings from the last 90 days.

You can set an average usage calculation for each equipment record, as well as a default for all equipment records. The default calculation will be used only when an individual record does not have a calculation specified.

About Choosing the Average Usage Calculation

When determining the number of days to use in the average usage calculation for an individual equipment record, consider the equipment's pattern of use. Was it used frequently when it was new, and less often now? Is it seasonal, for example, a snowplow that is inactive all summer but used frequently in the winter? 

Different usage patterns can skew the average if too many or not enough days are used to determine the average usage calculation for equipment that is used inconsistently.

The average usage rate reflects the average usage per day based on a seven-day workweek. If equipment is used only five days of the week, the average daily usage may appear lower than the actual daily usage.

Setting the Default Average Usage Calculation

You can set a default average usage calculation for all equipment records. This default number of days will be used by any equipment record that does not have a unique average usage calculation specified.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Equipment > Equipment > Equipment Setup.
  2. In the Average Usage Calculation field, enter a number of days, for example, 90. By default, the average usage for all equipment records will be determined based on the meter readings for this number of days.
  3. Select OK.

Setting a Unique Average Usage Calculation

Complete the following steps if you want to use a specific number of days to determine average usage for a specific record. This is useful if, for example, the default average usage calculation is 90 days, but a piece of equipment has been used irregularly over the past 90 days.

  1. Select Cards > Equipment > Equipment Manager.
  2. Select an Equipment ID.
  3. On the Details tab, use the expansion button next to the Average Usage field to open the Average Usage Calculation window.
  4. In the Average Usage Calculation field, enter a number of days, for example, 60. Average usage for this equipment record will be determined based on the meter readings over this number of days.
  5. Select OK.

The Average Usage field displays the average usage for this equipment based on the equipment's meter readings over the number of days that you specified.

You can also view the average usage on the Op. Log tab, along with the meter readings that were used to calculate average usage for the equipment.

The Average Usage field also appears as a column on the Equipment Inquiry window (Inquiry > Equipment > Equipment Inquiry). On this window, you can filter the equipment records by Average Usage values, for example, if you want to display only equipment records with an average usage of 50 or more.

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