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Setting up Vehicle Readings

The set up for vehicle readings includes choosing the appropriate item numbers and units of measure as well as if the tire or brake wear should be charged by line or combined. The item number fields provide the ability to manage the item numbers used to charge customers for the use of these items.

The item type for these item numbers must be SERVICES.

By utilizing items, the flexibility is provided to control the pricing of the charges through the standard Microsoft Dynamics GP pricing functionality and thus manage pricing at the customer address level. In the setup window, you can also indicate what amount of wear is acceptable for tire and brake wear. This window also includes a price level field that the price level will default to if the customer does not have a price level assigned.

To set up vehicle readings:

  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Equipment > Rental > Rental Setup.
  2. Select Vehicle Readings.
  3. Enter the following information:
    • Tire Type Change
      Select the tire type item number.
    • Tire Type Unit of Measure
      Select the unit of measure for tire type.
    • Tire Wear Item Number
      Select the tire wear item number.
    • Tire Unit of Measure
      Select the unit of measure for tire wear.
    • Tire Charge
      Select if the usage is to be charged individually by tire or all tire variances combined.
    • Acceptable Tire Wear
      Enter the amount of acceptable tire wear.
    • Brake Wear Item Number
      Select the brake wear item number.
    • Brake Unit of Measure
      Select the unit of measure for brake wear.
    • Brake Charge
      Select if the usage is to be charged individually by brake or all brake variances combined.
    • Acceptable Brake Wear
      Enter the amount of acceptable brake wear.
    • Fuel Item Number
      Select the fuel item number.
    • Fuel Unit of Measure
      Select the unit of measure for fuel.
    • Reefer Hours Item Number
      Select the reefer hours item number.
    • Reefer Hours Unit of Measure
      Select the reefer hours unit of measure.
    • Default Price Level
      Select a price level to use when customers do not have a price level assigned in Rental Additional Information. For more information, see Additional Address Information.
    • Process Credits
      Mark this checkbox to process negative readings as credits.
  4. Select Brands to open Brand Entry to enter the tire brands.
  5. Select Save.
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