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Setting up Rental Bookings

A rental booking is like a pre-agreement; it may be the first document created for a rental arrangement. Once confirmed, a booking can be posted to a rental agreement. With bookings, you can select an equipment model or category, if you do not know the exact piece of equipment that will be used. However, before transferring the booking into an agreement, you must enter an Equipment ID.

Setting up Booking Types

If you plan to use rental bookings, you should set up as many rental booking types as agreement types.

If you do not already have agreement types and invoicing frequencies, set those up before setting up booking types.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Equipment > Rental > Booking Types.
  2. Complete the following fields. An indicates a required field:
    • Booking Type ID
      Enter the booking type ID.
    • Description
      Enter the description.
    • Next Booking Number
      The next number used for rental booking transactions.
    • Re-Use Booking Numbers
      Mark this checkbox if you want to re-use booking numbers after they have been deleted.
    • Rent To Type
      Select whether you want to associate this booking type with a job or with a customer.
    • Agreement Type ID
      The type of agreement that this booking will become, as set up on the Rental Agreement Type Setup window.
    • Branch
      Enter the branch this booking type is assigned to.
    • Default Price Level
      The price level automatically used for this booking type. This field can be changed during booking entry.
    • Allow Subject to Commissions
      Mark this checkbox if the price level is subject to commissions.
    • Default Payment Terms
      The payment terms automatically used for this booking type. This field can be changed during booking entry.
    • Default Pricing Template
      Price templates are used to set up pricing structures for rental pricing. This field can be changed during booking entry.
    • Default Invoicing Frequency
      Invoicing frequencies allow you to define when you bill a customer, for example, weekly or monthly. The invoicing frequency that defaults can be changed during booking entry.
    • Originating Site ID
      The site where the equipment or inventory originated before being transferred to the rental site.
    • Rental Site ID
      The site where the equipment or inventory is going.
  3. Enter Tax information, as necessary (see section below).
  4. Select Save.

Assigning Taxes

You can assign different tax schedules to each price element: Rate, Insurance, Overage, and Markdowns. You can also choose to make an element non-taxable, or to use the tax schedule from the customer on the Customer Maintenance window in Microsoft Dynamics GP.
On the Rental Booking Type Setup window, select a booking type ID and select Tax to open the Rental Booking Type Tax Entry window.

  • Use the lookups to select tax schedules, if applicable.
  • Select OK.

Setting the Default Booking Type

You may have already set up the default booking type when you defined global rental parameters in the rental agreement setup.

  1. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP > Tools > Setup > Equipment > Rental > Rental Setup.
  2. You should have entered a Next Booking Number in rental setup. This is a required field.
  3. Select the Default Booking Type from the drop-down menu.
  4. Select the action to be taken upon deletion of a booking.
    • Do Nothing: Only the deletion occurs.
    • Ask to move to history: The system prompts you whether to move the booking to history or just delete.
    • Move to history: The system moves the booking to history >without prompting you.
  5. Select OK.
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