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Working with Users

Creating a user 

To create a new user

  1. Choose the drop-down arrow to the far right of the menu bar. 

  2. Choose Edit Users/Roles

  3. In the Users and Roles window, in the Users tab, choose Add.

  4. Enter the Email Address of the user you are creating. 

    Each user must have a unique email address.

  5. Choose OK

  6. In the Create User window, choose Yes

  7. In the Edit User window, enter the Name and choose the Role for the user. The Admin User role is the only installed role. For information on about roles, see Working with Roles.

  8. Choose OK.

  9. After the user is created, a success window displays. Choose OK

  10. The user needs to check their email inbox for an email containing their temporary password.  

New user login and password change 

The assumption is that the new user has installed Connect.

  1. Launch Connect.

  2. Enter the user email address and temporary password

  3. Choose the drop-down arrow to the far right of the menu bar.

  4. Choose Change Password.  

  5. In the Change Password window, enter the current password and then enter the new password (twice).  

  6. Choose OK.

  7. Choose OK in the Success window.

Forgot password 

  1. In the Login window, choose Forgot Password

  2. Choose Yes in the confirmation window. 

  3. Choose OK in the success window. 

A message displays if the email address is not found in the database. 

Download the Users training guide.

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