Scorecard Reports
A Scorecard report provides you with a tool set to construct scoring expressions for control loops and displays these scores visually in a report. For example, Space Temperature compared to Space Temperature Setpoint where a score is generated based on the difference between these values. If the "From Watchdog" report type is selected, some scoring expressions are provided automatically. Using this toolset a user may very quickly provide their customer with a performance ranking report on the majority of devices in a site.These are the types of score types available:
- FB vs. SP - Compare a feedback to a setpoint.
- FB vs. SP w/ Deadband - Compare a feedback to a setpoint with a deadband.
- FB vs. Constant - Compare a feedback to a constant.
- FB vs. 2 SP - Compare a feedback to two setpoints.
- FB vs 2 SP w/ Deadband - Compare a feedback to two setpoints with a deadband. The deadband will always be 0 regardless of the applied value.
- Custom - Create a custom score. See Working with Watchdogs for scoring criteria.
Scorecard report from profile
- Choose the drop-down to the right of the Report icon
- Choose New Report and then choose Scorecard Report.
- Choose Next.
- Choose the From Profile type of scorecard report.
- Choose the Profile from the drop-down.
- Choose Finish.
Optional: Choose the External Objects tab to add objects that are not included in the selected profile. See External Objects for more information.
Choose the Object Options tab and arrange the desired order for the objects to be displayed in the report starting from the far-left column to the right.
Choose the Devices tab and mark the checkboxes next to the devices to include in the report.
Optional: Choose the Data Filter tab and then choose Edit.
Enter the data filter. A data filter will eliminate all results from the report that meet this set of conditions.
- Choose OK.
Choose the Scorecard Options tab and then choose Add.
- Enter a name for the scoring criterion.
Choose the type of score.
For FB vs. SP, choose the Feedback Object. This is generally an input such as space temperature or airflow.- Choose the SP Object.
- Enter the Max Error. This value is the maximum amount that the feedback can deviate from setpoint. Any deviation equal or greater than this maximum error will be given a value of 0. Any deviation between 5 and 0 will be scaled from 0-100%.
- Enter the Weight of Overall Score. This value assigns a weight to the score when using two or more scoring criteria.
- Choose OK.
- Choose the layout of the report. Date can be output as a column and the device as a row, or the device can be output as a column and the date as a row.
- Choose how to group the data. The data can be grouped by hour, day, week, month, or an average value with a ranking can be displayed.
- Choose OK.
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