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Inspection Reports

Inspection reports display building performance and energy efficiency by utilizing Connect to pull data from the Building Automation System (BAS).  You can analyze the performance for opportunities for improvements. 

You can include an analysis of all HVAC equipment including:

  • Variable Air Volume (VAV) units
  • Fan Powered Boxes (FPBs)
  • Air Handling Units (AHUs)
  • Chillers
  • Other miscellaneous pieces of equipment

Adding your logo
Your logo is displayed at the top right of the Inspection Report. The recommended dimensions for your logo is 200 pixels x 35 pixels. 

To add your logo to the Inspection Report, complete the following:

  1. In Connect, choose the Settings icon from the menu bar to open the Connect Settings window.
  2. Choose the Report Settings tab. 

  3. Under Inspection Report Settings, choose the ellipsis browse button. 

  4. In the Open window, navigate to your logo and then choose Open.
  5. Back in the Connect Settings window, choose the Accent Color drop-down and choose the color for the report sub-headings. If you know the RGB number or the hex color code, choose More Colors on the Custom tab, enter the number/codes, and then choose OK.
  6. Choose OK.

Setting up the Inspections Report

  1. Choose the drop-down arrow to the right of the Reports icon

  2. Choose New Report icon.
  3. In the New Report window, choose Inspection Report

  4. Complete the following tabs:

Configuration tab

  1. On the Configuration tab, enter the Report Title

  2. Enter the Report Introduction.
  3. The Date Range defaults to the current month.
  4. The information entered on this tab is displayed on the Inspection Report as shown in the screenshot (red text not included). See Adding your logo  for steps on how to customize the report with your company logo. 

Inspection Items tab

  1. On the Inspection Items tab, choose New Item

  2. Choose the profile that contains a device class that will provide the mapped objects and the template events to be used in the report. 

  3. Choose OK.
  4. If you want to take advantage of the provided inspection item templates, choose Yes in the message that displays.
  5. After choosing Yes, choose the rule groups, individual rules, or mark Check All.
    If any rules display in red, the rule cannot be applied. 
  6. The Description field displays the reason.
  7. Choose OK.
  8. The list of provided inspection item rules displays. From this window, you can: 

    • Create new custom rules by choosing New Item.
    • Add additional template rules from other profiles by choosing New Item.
    • Remove any rule by choosing the rule and then choosing Remove Item.
    • Edit any rule by choosing the rule and then choosing Edit Item.

Editing an inspection item

  1. To edit an inspection item, choose the item and then choose Edit Item to open the Inspection Item window. The buttons to the right of the Inspection Item Group: 

    • Choose "+" to add new Inspection Item Group title
    • Choose "-" to remove the Inspection Item Group title
    • Choose "..." to edit the Inspection Item Group title
  2. On the Configuration tab, the Inspection Item Group defines the location of the inspection item in the report.  Choose the Inspection Item Group drop-down to choose a different group (location).
  3. The information entered in the following fields is displayed on the completed report: 

    • Inspection Item Title
    • Inspection Description
    • System Effect
    • Recommendations
  4. Choose the + icon to the right of the Inspection Item Group to open the Inspection Item Configuration window. 

  5. Enter the failed text to display in the Inspection Failed Text field. The text displays the sum of all setpoint select rule failures from all devices. Note that many setpoint rules may apply to each device. 

  6. Enter the passed text to display in the Inspection Passed Test field. 

  7. Choose the Expression tab to define the criteria that express a failed condition. The screenshot example expression as entered can be described as "When the CoolSetpointOcccupied is greater than 76 more than 10% of the Inspection report DateRange. The Default is One month. The available Numeric aggregation types for the DateRange aggregation are: 

    • First - The first collected value.
    • Last - The last collected value.
    • Sum - The sum of all collected values.
    • Avg - The average of all collected values.
    • Min - The minimum of all collected values.
    • Max - The maximum of all collected values.
    • Delta - The last sample minus the first sample in the Aggregation Window.

      Note that to achieve a true delta, the user must apply the Absolute operator to the criteria. Example ABS{val}.
  8. The available Boolean or True False aggregation types for the DateRange aggregation are:

    • OccurrenceCount - The sum of occurrences where the expression result value is true in the Aggregation Window.

    • ChangeCount - The number of occurrence changes in the Aggregation Window.

    • PercentActive - The percentage of occurrences where the expression result is true in the Aggregation Window.

    • TotalDuration - The total duration of time where the expression is true in the Aggregation Window.

  9. Choose the Filter tab to open the Filter Criteria window. 

  10. Choose Edit to create or edit a filter.
  11. In the Edit Criteria window, choose the criteria that defines when the expression will be applied.
  12. Choose OK.
  13. Choose the Devices tab to open the Devices window. If the Inspection Item Rules were created from more than one profile or a profile exists in more than one agent, the list of devices could be extensive.
    Buttons on this window:  

    • Edit Filter - Choose to create or edit a filter.  The filters are based on the tags applied to the agents and/or devices.
    • Clear Filter - Clears the filters
    • Ungroup Devices - Choose to remove the agent hierarchy and list only the devices.
  14. Choose the drop-down to the left of the Agent name to display the devices within the list.
  15. Choose the checkbox to the left of the Agent name to select all devices under the Agent or you can choose individual checkboxes. 

  16. Choose OK.

Building Score Devices tab

  1. Choose the Building Score Devices tab. 

  2. Choose the devices whose watchdog scores you want to be included in the Building Average Score. Choose the Agent checkbox to include all of the devices under the Agent. 

OA Temperatures tab

  1. Choose the OA Temperatures tab. 

  2. Choose Browse and then navigate to a device that contains outside air temperature values. 

  3. Choose OK in the Browse window.
  4. In the Inspection Report, this temperature will display as a numerical (high/low) and graph form. 

Building Temperatures tab

  1. Choose the Bldg Temperatures tab. 

  2. Choose Import.
  3. In the Browse window, all items in the agent database are displayed. 

  4. Choose Edit Filter.
  5. In the Filter Editor window, choose the Filter Type and Tag

  6. Choose OK. The items display in the Browse window based on the tags assigned to the Agents, Profiles, Devices, and/or Objects in the Configuration Explorer. 
  7. In the Browse window, choose either a:
    • Single or small group of space temperatures - If you choose this method, you may continue to add additional single space temperature from other devices to the list. You may also repeat this process to add a selected group of space temperature objects. OR
    • Profile group of space temperatures - If you choose this method, the provided group of objects will be drawn from the profile selected. Verify that this group of space temperature objects are members of the correct agent. If not, you can remove the objects that do not reside in this agent.

      If your database of agents contains other objects with the same object name, ALL of those objects will also be included. Use the filtering tool to limit the list of returned space temperature objects to one agent.

Occupied Runtime tab

  1. Choose the Occupied Runtime Tab. 

  2. In the Occupied Hours section, define the day(s) and time that will be considered Normal runtimes. Any operation of objects selected in the Objects to Monitor pane will be compared to these hours. Any operation outside these times will be considered as Unoccupied Operation. The default days are marked Monday to Friday with the Time Period from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
  3. To edit this information, you can mark/unmark the days of the week.
  4. To edit the Time Period, choose the day and then choose the Edit button.
  5. In the Time Range window, you can either enter the start time and end time or you can drag the slider ends to the appropriate time. 

  6. Choose OK.
  7. In the Objects to Monitor section, choose New Item.
  8. In the Browse window, choose a device object that reflects the Occupancy status of the equipment included in the Inspection Items. The Occupied Runtime tool is intended to calculate the run time hours using an occupancy reference from a single device.

  9. Choose OK to return to the Occupied Runtime main view.
  10. If no Occupancy Objects are selected, the Inspection report will not include a Building Metrics Occupancy section. The DateRange used is the current month. 

  11. Choose OK to close the Edit Inspection Report window. The Inspection report displays with the information that you have set up.

Download the Inspection Reports using templates training guide from Training Downloads.

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