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Working with Scoring

Before you can view Scoring for your company, you will need to enable this feature. The Score Debugger window displays any timestamped error messages. 

Scores are calculated using fault data. Scoring is performed at an Equipment- or Target-level, however, it is calculated based on the status of the rules that are running on it. High Priority Faults impact the score more than Low Priority.

Enabling Scoring

  1. Select the App Drawer icon.

  2. Select the Admin icon to access the Admin dashboard.

  3. Locate the Scoring card.

  4. Select the toggle to enable Scoring.

Viewing the Score Debugger

  1. Select the App Drawer icon.

  2. Select the Admin icon to access the Admin dashboard.

  3. Locate the Scoring card.

  4. To view the Score Debugger, select Manage Scoring.

  5. The Timestamp Filter defaults to the current day in a 24-hour timeframe. You can edit this to display a specific timeframe.

  6. In the Score Debugger window, the debug entries from Scoring are displayed. 

  7. The following Score Debugger information displays:

    • Timestamp

    • Target

    • Error Message

    • Action

  8. You also have the option to Disable/Enable Scoring in the Score Debugger window.

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