Working with Profiles
Profiles are used to aid in getting data efficiently trending from a BAS by templating Devices and their Object definitions. A Profile is a set of Objects and the data type those Objects represent. Each Device requires a Profile and Devices with different Object sets must have different Profiles. A Profile is created from the BAS Inventory. For more information on creating a new Profile, see Creating a New Profile from the BAS Inventory.
You can access the Profiles dashboard by selecting the Profiles icon from the left navigation.
From the Profile dashboard, you can:
Create a Profile
View existing Profiles.
Agent Driver
Profile Type
Manage a Profile
Update a Profile Name.
Work with Profile Objects (Manage/Delete)
Delete a Profile.
Filter the displayed Profiles to show K2A or Custom Profiles.
Search for a specific Profile using the search box.
Sort the displayed Profiles by the Profile name. Select the Profile header to change the sort from the default ascending to descending.
See also: